"Does he need something?" I heard Steve ask Nathan.

"What he needs is for you guys to back off." My friend growled at the Avengers. I smiled a little at that. Overprotective asshole, I thought.

"Sorry," someone mumbled.

When the ding in the elevator sounded, indicating that we were at level 43, I sped out of the elevator, pushing everyone to the sides, not caring if I ran someone down. I was getting out of that elevator, and I couldn't get out fast enough. I inhaled deeply and looked over my shoulder, Tony had raised eyebrows at me, but went out into a kitchen.

"So, you're afraid of elevators?" Natasha asked.

I opened my mouth, but Nathan beat me to it. "It's called claustrophobia." He narrowed his eyes at the assassin and crossed his arms.

"Did I ask you?" She asked, crossing her arms herself.

"No, but I answered. So, deal with it." He held his head high. They were totally going to become great friends.

"Is nobody going to question why Nathan is here?" Tony asked and walked out from the kitchen with a glass of some liquid in it that weren't child friendly. I clenched my teeth, narrowing my eyes at the drink.

"I'm here because I'm this dude's bodyguard." He answered and pointed his thumb towards me. "So, deal with it. Stank." He hissed.

Tony raised his hands in defeat. "Just asking." He rolled his eyes. "But why do you two keep calling me 'Stank'?" He tilted his head slightly to the side and took a sip of his drink.

"Isn't that your name?" I asked.


"Seriously?" I widened my eyes. "Then what is it?" Was his name not Tony Stank?

"It's Stark. Tony Stark." He said and raised an eyebrow, expecting me to disagree.

"I literally thought it was Tony Stank." I admitted.

He groaned. "You're like that weird mail guy that gave me the phone Steve sent." He glanced over at Steve who were chuckling to himself.

I frowned. Mail guy? I shrugged, better not worry about that, I've already got tons of things to worry about. Such as the blackouts and the prophecy and the fact that I was banished from camp.

"Do you guys perhaps know why blackouts happen?" I piped up.

Bruce looked up from a book. "Blackouts?" He asked. I nodded. "How often do you get them?"

"Well..." Should I tell them about how I hurt Blackjack? I could just say he was a human. Then I wouldn't have to explain the whole Pegasus thing. But then again... I had to explain the Greek world to them, which I didn't look forward to. "Not that often, I think. In these past 24 hours I've had two." I shrugged.

"Two?" His eyebrows scrunched together. "What happened during the blackouts?"

"I... I hurt a friend of mine and lit some stables on fire." I admitted.

"Hm," He seemed to zone out before he blinked and looked back at me again. "I'd like to run some tests..."

"Absolutely not." I crossed my arms.

"Why not? If Bruce can help you..." Steve started but I waved my hand at him.

"He can't help me. This is beyond you guys." I snapped.

"Beyond us?" You're talking to the Earth's mightiest heroes, kid." Tony said and crossed his arms.

"Oh really? And how many wars have you fought in?"

Once a hero - Riordan_LeoGreysonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin