Four - Atrius

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Atrius had known their voyage was going to be different from all the others they'd gone on. Throx had informed him and his crew that they'd be heading off to what was called Earth to grab some of the humans there and learn why they were so different and so 'under-evolved.' They'd been briefed that these humans were the reason the Eotkar had to put safeguards in place for the Glain humans. These humans were said to be small, weak, gullible, and often abducted as pets without their consent. It made Atrius sick knowing that these vulnerable beings couldn't defend themselves from the aliens that desired them as pets and companions.

His inner alpha had been outraged at the idea of taking non-consenting humans to be in a life of captivity. Throx had informed him that the information of Earth humans had been highly confidential and because of the Eotkar, most of Glain didn't know about them either. There had been one other voyage years ago, but those had never made it back and it was assumed that their ship had been abducted by another race and never found. This mission was of utmost importance to help settle the differences between Glain and Earth and possibly structure the Glain humans into the galatic system if they could be proven to be of a higher value than the Earth humans and no longer be subjected to the much more aggressive species and the Eotkar wouldn't need to dictate everything for the Glain humans that existed just because they are humans.

What he hadn't expected was that only half of the humans would survive the tests. And then the whole ship's dismay when only one made it through the hyper-jump to the space near Glain. The humans had been picked out of the best of population across the whole planet, but only one made it. Atrius knew Throx would have his questions and want more tests done on the remaining human, but after meeting Jasper, he didn't want to subject the human through further trauma.

"Atri," Spoke Cora and Atrius turned to the beta female. Short brown hair and sky blue eyes, she was almost similar to her older sister and Atrius missed his best friend. Cora was a lot different than her older sister in many ways and as the head of weapons and defense on the ship, she wasn't a shy girl. "We've all noticed your hesitance to get back to Glain. Ever since you spoke with the other human, you've slowed our ship a bit and Throx is wondering why you're not answering his calls."

Atrius sighed and rubbed a hand through his soft, thick black hair. So they had noticed it? "I don't want Throx to just take him away the moment we land," he admitted. "Throx will want more testing and possibly experimentation and we can't just put him through that."

"I noticed how you cuddled him," Cora said, her voice a tad judgmental as she came to stand beside Atrius at the control deck. "When he cried, you responded to him. You know we're not allowed to get attached. Throx is leading the study to hopefully get us a better seating in the galactic conference. A seating that is actually at the table,"

"I know," Atrius sighed, not looking at her. His immediate attraction to the small, vulnerable human hadn't been expected. It had taken everything in him not to spill his guts to the human, but seeing how scared and alone and confused Jasper was made his heart ache. He couldn't bring himself to give Jasper over to Throx.

"We're allowed to keep him on board though since he's the only one that survived. Throx will want us to find more candidates for the testing. All you have to do is answer his calls, give the human over for a couple days so Throx can run his tests and we'll get him back." Cora said, giving Atrius a softer look. "For a big, bad alpha, you're as soft as an omega."

"I don't want Throx to have him, that's the whole thing." Atrius told her. He wished Miya was here. She would understand how he felt. "I'll get him more humans for his testing and for the Eotkar, but not Jasper."

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