Five - Jasper

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Eventually Jasper had found himself back in the bed and slept like a rock, his wounds sore and his boredom not helping. After Atrius had left, it hadn't taken him long to grow weary of the puzzle toys and he was tired. He was exhausted and he missed home. He missed his dogs and his mom, he missed Dylia and his friends. More than his bandaged wounds and scars ached, his heart and mind did for everything that he'd been taken from and he mourned their loss, but even more, he grieved for the people that would grieve for him as if he'd died even though he was alive and relatively well.

He didn't sleep easily, the bed wasn't the softest and he'd dragged a couple blankets from one of the chests, but somehow he was still cold. His loneliness was like a stake in his chest and his boredom was driving him nuts. His stomach growled. He didn't know how long it'd been since he woken up nor how long it'd be until they landed. Nor did he know when he would be given food next or if any of the crew cared that he was being kept like a prisoner or animal and how much the isolation was screwing with his mind.

When the door finally opened, Jasper had been in a haze, half-asleep, yet his eyes stared half-closed at the ceiling. There was nothing to keep him occupied and so the sudden light and noise was almost too much for his mind. His headache that had been almost forgotten came back in full and he scowled at the figure that walked through the door. If they weren't coming with food then he didn't want them coming in his room at all.

"Hello, tiny human," the man spoke and Jasper forced himself to sit up. This man was broad like a wrestler and barely fit through the door to his room. He didn't put off the same vibes as any of the others and smiled kindly at Jasper, a bowl cupped in one of his extremely large hands. "I bring food,"

The man's hair was short and a very deep matte black. His sparkly yellow eyes watched Jasper curiously and he took the few steps to Jasper's bed before sitting down on the floor and holding the bowl out for him. "And to keep you company," the man said. "I know what loneliness feels like."

Jasper could see the pain that flashed across his features before they were gone. He accepted the bowl of what looked like some sort of stew. It was warm in his hands and made his mouth water with the delicious scent wafting from it. "Thank you," Jasper told him. "My name's Jasper,"

"Pax," the man replied. "Eat. You need it." He turned so he wasn't staring at Jasper and leaned into the bed, his large frame dwarfing the room. His tail tapped audibly on the ground like a cat's and he closed his eyes. "I'm sorry. For your pain, I'm sorry."

Jasper didn't know what to think of Pax. He spoke like he wasn't used to speaking and his body language was stiff despite his soft words. He was unlike the others Jasper had met and his presence didn't feel overwhelming like Snow or Calvin's had nor did it make him feel like Atrius had. He allowed himself to eat, relishing in the peaceful silence, never taking his eyes from the large human.

His skin was very pale, almost sheet white, and from what little he could see that was covered by clothing, was covered with old scars. He was missing two fingers on one of his hands and there was a long scar on the back of his head that left a thin bald spot where hair clearly refused to grow.

Pax was the one to break the silence. "Everything's always the same. Follow orders. No questions. Get the job done," His eyes remained closed and he could have passed for sleeping if he didn't speak. "No time for friends or companions. No time for relaxing."

Jasper took his last spoonful of stew and licked his lips, silently wishing he had more food. "But you have crew-mates?" He said, daring to talk to the man. Pax didn't intimidate him despite his size and Jasper could hear the strain in his voice as if he was struggling to keep his emotions in check.

"Crew cares not of what I do," Pax said, his eyes opening and fixing on Jasper. "Atri is too busy lately and the others . . ." Pax sighed. "No friends of mine. They judge my past and give me no chance."

"I'm sorry," Jasper said as Pax took the empty bowl. He didn't know what to tell Pax and he couldn't understand why the man would tell him any of this. They weren't friends and they were from two different worlds. Jasper doubted he would even see Pax again. He hadn't given what Atrius had told him any thought and frankly, if he couldn't go back home then why would he choose any of the options he'd been given?

"Snow thinks you should be killed since you survived. Calvin seems to dislike you as well. Ben has no desire to meet you and Cora thinks you'll die anyway so no need to get to know you," Pax said after a moment. "Those are the crew and none of them have ever taken time for me. They think I'm too slow to understand the things that go on here. But I don't want you to die,"

"Why not?" Jasper asked. Why would he mean anything to Pax? There had been some odd attraction to Atrius so maybe that's why he hadn't wanted Jasper to die, but why would another of his crew care as well? "I can't go home so it really doesn't matter to me." He continued with a shrug. "My whole life is back on Earth. My future and my girlfriend and everything I ever cared about was taken away from me."

Pax frowned and was quiet for a long time. "Try to stay alive for me, then." He stated and for a minute Jasper thought that Pax just hadn't understood what he'd said, but the alien human was standing up and heading for the door as if he'd found a new purpose. "Talk later. But for me, for now, stay alive. I know what you feel, I've been there." Pax looked at Jasper and smiled again. "We're not all monsters here,"

And with that he left, closing the door behind him and leaving Jasper alone again. That whole interaction confused Jasper and while a part of him hated the isolation, another part of him was relieved the man had left. He couldn't be getting attached to strange aliens and forgetting all about the life he'd been ripped away from. Yet, something about what Pax had said - staying alive for him after Jasper had just told him everything he cared about was left on Earth.

Were there cameras in this room? Jasper's blood seemed to freeze at that thought and he crawled back under the blankets. Hadn't Atrius mentioned something about a recording? His conversation with Calvin? Chills ran down his spine and he came to the conclusion that Pax had wanted to say something else, but couldn't because of the cameras. Why would Pax care enough about him though? Jasper couldn't figure it out and trying to was making his headache worse. He desperately missed his family and speaking with Pax - if what he thought was true - then he had to stay alive. For his family and maybe for Pax if the alien's unsaid words were really true.

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