One - Jasper

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A/N: I know I still need to update my other stories, but a new idea popped up and I wanted to get it out. Here's the first chapter and hopefully I'll find motivation to update my other stories. Hope you enjoy this!
I would love feedback and to hear what you guys think. Comments and opinions are always welcome!

It was Monday; a day to get things done. All throughout the weekend, Jasper had been busy, packing for college, packing to head back from his home in the south to the college in the north. And today was the day he was set to head back around noon. His mother was the only one he had to say goodbye to since he was an only child and his father lived closer to his college, although they rarely talked.

He heard a ding coming from his phone and reached over to his nightstand to grab it. It was only morning and he'd barely woken up yet. He still had to brush his teeth and shower and eat, but he wasn't a morning person. Normally he laid in bed till the last second before crawling out for the day. He wouldn't fully be awake till after he ate, he never was.

'I'm already at our apartment,' Was the first text from Dylia, his girlfriend of four years. He'd met her when he'd been touring various colleges and universities and they'd clicked since then. 'You're heading up today right? I wanna get time to settle in before classes next week.'

The two had agreed to get an apartment this year that was close to their school instead of live in the dorms. They would have their own space outside of school and be able to study together and work together. Jasper was excited for this year. He was going to be able to excel in classes and see Dylia every night after classes. He was going to be able to do more than he had been able to when he was living in the dorms and foster plenty of cats or dogs to help with the rescue he worked at during the schooling year.

'Heading out this afternoon,' he typed back before deciding it was probably time to get out of bed.

Jasper looked around the nearly empty room and sighed. He didn't like leaving home to leave his mom alone. She had the dogs, but she just seemed so small and fragile to him. He didn't like leaving the warm weather either nor the ocean-side view of his mother's two-story beach house.

A couple barks from outside the bedroom door and Jasper chuckled quietly. "Morning to you too, Dixie," he said, greeting the black lab as he left the bedroom. She always slept outside his room when he was home. His mother always joked that she was his dog more than her dog.

The lab followed Jasper as he made his way to the kitchen and made his breakfast. A bowl of cereal. And when he sat down at the table, the lab sat at his feet, watching him with large brown eyes. Although for some reason, her gaze seemed a lot different than usual.

Jasper took a look outside and noticed that the sky seemed darker than normal. His skin raised with goosebumps as a cold chill ran through his body. The dog looked away and headed off as the sound of his mother's alarm went off. For a second, Jasper thought he could see a green glow illuminating the dark, but he blinked and it was gone.

He froze for several long seconds, silence consuming him. And then his mother's voice came, calling from upstairs that she wasn't ready for him to go back to college and the moment was over. Jasper shook the eerie feeling off, but had a feeling that nothing would go the way he wanted it to today.


When noon came around, Jasper was running behind and frantically making sure he had everything he needed packed in his car. His mother had already left for her work and he'd slipped into a nap after his morning shower, but he'd overslept and when he should already on the road, he wasn't even dressed to leave. The dogs had been begging to be let out into the backyard and then Dixie had found a hole in the fence and got out, chasing god knows what for two miles before Jasper finally caught her.

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