Yellow Terminators

Começar do início

<<Roger that>>-to which she replied,before the leading Wyvern fell down to the port,along with the rest.

<<Hawkeye 8,9,11,Gun 2>>

The docking patrol boats were being treated as the lamb for X-02S-shaped moths,the EML was again proved as one of the most effective ways to annihilate a bunch of ships standing side by side,by shooting through them all at once.The ship's AA gun tried to fired,but the command central was burned before the order to shoot could be delivered.


Unlike those on boat,the missiles from the air defense system deployed on the coast take a rapid launch and charge at the approaching fighters,but the targets weren't the Osean.Realized that they were being aimed at,the USAF F-35s deploy countermeasures and ignite the missiles before they come close to the central least they are safe for now.

<<Monolith 1 calling AWACS Long Caster,we need one or two of your fighters to disable their air defense>>

<<Copy that,Hawkeye 11,you're the closest,attack the TGT I marked,the rest continue to attack their fleet and surrounding airfields>>

<<I got it>>

Mobius adjusting her fighter from the river to the smoking facilities where SAM are being launched

<<I see them,lock on,Fox 2,Fox 2!>>

The defenders weren't aware that they had become the main target,until two AIM-132 blew up the area and killed everything inside.Not waiting for confirmation,Mobius continued with the next target,with Trigger,Talisman and Maiden break up and head to the TGT around the city as soon as the last ship lowers its hull to the water line.

<<Gun 2,Gun 2,target hit,good job>>-Long Caster said as the last missile launcher shattered under an Arclight's shell.On the screen,no targets seemed to be operating.

<<Air supremacy is clear,begin the operation>>-the SRF-35D reveals the hatch under its belly,from the hole,twenty laser rays shoot over the city,but not dealing any damage.Even the most idiotic can understand that the laser wasn't the superweapon,and the Hawkeye knew that.They were waiting for something to come.

Wyoming,United States

"We had just received the pinpoint marks,ready the gun"

The 8 towers,much more like 8 guns,started to turn their heading toward the intended target.The Yellowstone fired 8 railgun shells at Mach 4 to the target,shockwaves blasted upon the control tower as the shells came out of the barrels.

"Next shell is ready,fire"

Back to Shanghai

<<Mission completed,299th,RTB>>-The announcement of Long Caster shocked everyone,they just witnessed the most disappointing thing ever in their entire lives,not something like a nuke,or a giant aircraft like Arsenal Birds,not even a laser gun.

<<Just that?>>-Mobius asks-<<There wasn't any damage aside from our guns,Eliza not even do anything>>

<<Chill out,Eliza is still gathering combat data,she isn't combat worthy yet.And the superweapon will arrive in half an hour later,but we need visual confirm of the attack>>

<<Half an hour?Where will it come from?>>

<<I don't know,really,but we have a problem,why do the enemies alway arrive late?>>-Long Caster checks his radar-<<Twelve bogey taken off from out of the suburb,we didn't knew about it.Moreover,sixteen fast movers approaching at 105,engage>>

Osea in our worldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora