•Chapter 17•

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While traveling between kingdoms, I never opened my eyes until we got to the next kingdom.

I tried it this time.

When I did it all I saw around were white symbols floating around a black void as we zoomed through the space.

One symbol was just three short, horizontal lines in a column. Another symbol was like a 'v' sign surrounded by a bigger 'v' sign. Another was like the drawing of water currents, another like firework sparks and one was like a sharp heart symbol.

I'd seen that one atop Chang before. It was Shu's spirit of emotion.

Suddenly everywhere turned white. The symbols changed.
There were only two types but there were multiple of them.
The symbols were now dark.

One was like an 'R' with a cross at the tail, like that symbol you see on hospital stuff. 'The eye of Horus' I remembered. From Egyptian mythology.

The other was like a rectangle inverted so that the longer side was vertical. The rectangle was without a base. It was enclosed in an identical rectangle without a base.

A brighter light shone and we appeared in Horei.

"Woah," the girl I'd never met before said as she gazed around in awe.
She was tall and dark skinned. She had full, curly, brown hair, brown eyes and a calculating expression.

She looked so much like Trevor that I didn't need to ask to know that she was his sister.

She glanced at me when she noticed I was studying her.
"Hey," I said to her.

She smiled and waved at me.
"You're Trevor's sister?" I asked.

"Yeah..." she said like she was embarrassed at the sudden realization.

"What's your name?" I asked.


I nodded.
"...and you're Alexis."

"How'd you–" I started.

"Spirits?" a familiar voice said from nearby.
We were in the Prince's palace. I could because we were in that hallway.

We walked with Chang till we reached a room we hadn't seen before. We walked in.

Not far away, prince Bruno reclined regally on a sculpted golden throne.
Seeing him again, I now noticed that he was a very young guy, probably 23 or so.

On seeing us, he smiled.
"Welcome to my throne room, spirits of Reina."

Then he saw Tanya.
"Ooh...what do we have here? The spirit of light. That's delightful." We walked towards him.

Tanya smiled at him.
"...so cute..." she muttered.

Trevor nugded her.
"What's that?" Bruno asked.
"Oh, nothing," Trevor said glaring at his sister.

"Okay, then. Are you all ready for training?" the prince asked us.

"Training?" Madison asked.
"Yes. You're about to be learn how to initiate and summon the powers of your spirits. Have you all discovered your powers yet?" Bru said, getting down casually from his throne.

"I think I'm fire," Trevor said.
We all turned to look at him briefly.

"We're all aware I'm light," Tanya said, rolling her eyes.

The rest of us said nothing.
"I see. The rest aren't still sure. Alexis you have the spirit of agility."

"No way," Trevor said.
"Alexa, you're storm," Bru continued.
All except both of us were shocked.

"Cool," Tanya said.
"Madison, you're earth," Bruno said.
"Yeah, that'll make sense." she replied.
"I know I'm shadow," Lucy said.

This time we didn't flinch. I guess we were all used to her disappearing and appearing constantly.
Plus, who was better at inhabiting that spirit.
Bruno nodded.

"Before we begin, I need to give you these." He beckoned to Chang.

Chang produced a black box from his pocket.

"It's funny you know." Bruno chuckled as he collected the box from Chang. "The box used to be so sacred a long time ago.

"Wait," I started, "it's that same box that held all Reina's spirits all those years? How did it get to you after all this time?"

Chang opened his mouth to say something but the hesitated at the last moment.
"That's a story for another day."
Bruno opened the box.

Gold and black glittered inside it.
"Ooh! Accessories!" Lex shreiked.
"What?" I asked.

Bruno brought out two black arm bands and gave them to Trevor and he put it on.

Next, he brought out a neck chain with a cross dangling from its edge and handed it to me.

He gave Tanya a bracelet. Maddie got a necklace with a circular pendant. Lex got a ring. Lucy got an anklet.

"What does it do?" Lucy asked.

"It helps for communication, traveling between kingdoms and transforming," Chang said.

"Transforming into what?" I asked.
Bruno smiled.

"You'll see."

"How do we use it?" Tanya asked.
"You'll figure it out," Chang said. "No magician has ever actually had any of these that you've got. With the spirits in you, plus the powers of the accessories...wow, now that's powerful."

"Yes. These are modern day devices but they're magical as well. You'll learn how to operate it soon enough. For now, let's proceed to the training room," Bru said.


I wish my jewellery were magical accessories...

See you in the next chapter, hopefully!


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