•Chapter 10•

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A few hours ago, I was at home. I was playing basketball, tolerating my annoying siblings.

Next thing I know, I'm in an old warehouse, stuck inside because of heavy rain.
I'm with some people I barely know. I'm stuck on a wall and I can't move.

Now, there's a weird guy in a robe who also has glowing eyes.
If I could move my hands I would have pinched myself so I'll be sure that I wasn't dreaming.

The weird guy stood with his arms outstretched. A wild look lingered in his eyes as if he was expecting us to lunge at him. Honestly, I didn't see how we could since he literally had us stuck to a wall, unable to move.

Now, I was scared. No, it was a mix of emotion. Some, that I couldn't explain.
My life had been normal ever since I was born. At least as normal as the next guy. Yes, I'd moved a couple times and had to start a new life afresh everytime.

But in this past few days I'd been here at Sedona, weird things have just started happening to me.

There's the red flashing of light. Thrice, it felt like my arms were getting warmer and when I looked at my hands, they're red.

At first I thought it was just some reaction to some chemical and it would just stop and that was it. But this stuff had happened three times.

I can't say it's something that only I can see because I'm pretty sure Maddie noticed something earlier today at Davie's. That just proves it's something serious.

But then what the hell was that? What was happening to me? Should I ignore something like that or tell someone?

Now, there was the guy in the robe. How the hell was he keeping us glued to the wall with his arm outstretched?  Was it some sort of...magic?

Hell, I couldn't even believe I was thinking that.
But then how could you explain it?

The strange guy looked around the room, at each one of us as if searching for something.

He paused, staring off into space.
He stood perfectly still and his eyes started to glow white.
Then he started talking.
But soon I realized he wasn't talking to us.

"Yes," he said to the air. "I found them."
After a while, his expression changed. He looked stunned.

"Do we really need them all?" he said.
His expression changed again. This time he looked like he had been smacked on the forehead with a bat.

"What?! But they have no connection to the..."
He fell silent.

Then his eyes turned back to normal, grey and alarmed.

He stared back at us.
He stood for a moment and then dropped his hands.

We all dropped to the ground. I felt weak but I wanted to run out of the building now. I'm sure the others did too but for some reason we all stayed back.

"Spirits of Reina," he began, "we would meet soon."
With that he vanished.

I swear, Alexis actually rubbed his eyes to check if he was seeing things.

"Guys," Maddie said, "what just happened?"

"I..." I couldn't finish my sentence. I just stood there shaking my head.

"We should go," Alexis said.

We didn't argue.

We walked out into the rain which was pouring worse than ever.

Thankfully, Lucy's friend, a guy named Carl, was already out there waiting for us.

He helped us call Alexis's other driver who took me, Alexa and her brother home while Carl took Lucy and Maddie home.

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