•Chapter 4•

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I thought a lot.

I wondered why life was just like an endless movie recording that kept repeating itself and humans, plants and animals were like the characters who could have different roles, scenes and fates just as far as the new recording began.

I wondered why it felt like sometimes I was the only character who didn't know I was in the movie and every other person did. I also wondered why my mother kept telling me I needed a life.

"I got one mom," I say to her often, like I did today.

"You know what I mean Luciana," she said and I winced. "Sorry, I mean Lucy." She rolled her eyes.

She always looked worried when she looked at me.
I know I looked scary but I wasn't that scary.

I know having a seventeen year old daughter in highschool was stressful enough even without other children, but my parents always acted like I had a problem. I don't.

"Besides, I met a girl a few days ago," I said.

"Oh, yeah?" my dad asked, sitting up from his chair.

My mom and I were in the dining room and my dad was in the living room. I dunno how he heard. I wasn't even that loud.

"Yes dad," I replied, beginning to feel uncomfortable. "Now I'm going to my room to uh...call her, bye."

I stood up and walked upstairs to my room. I walked in and shut the door.

It was the only place in this world that made me feel peaceful.
My room was painted black and purple. My curtains were gray. Bed sheets and pillows, purple.

The room was a bit messy. It was airy and the curtains billowed with the force of the wind.

My black reading table at the edge of the window beckoned me to sit on the chair and continue writing my poems.
I sighed.

This girl, Maddie, that I met today, seems nice.
I usually didn't like talking to kids my age but Maddie seemed different. I'd never met someone who shared stuff in common with me.

I know she's all bright and sunny and I seemed dull and shadowy, but at least we thought of the world and nature in a similar way I guess.
Contrasting but similar.
I picked up my phone and called her. Something I never do.

We decided to meet this evening somewhere.

She'd come to my house and we'll walk there. Though, I told her to stay at the backyard so my parents won't see her. I didn't have the energy to deal with them.

I walked to my closet and changed into a black jumpsuit. I let my dark hair loose, as usual. I put on my black sneakers, grabbed my phone and walled to the backyard.

"Mom, dad, I'm going somewhere this evening. I'll be back by eight," I told them while I was at the back door.

They nodded at me absentmindedly and I walked out, closing the door behind me.

When I was out alone in the backyard, I sat down on the grass. My mom liked gardening and I guess her love of flowers somehow got to me.

The backyard was a nice place to stay alone and think.
After a few minutes of waiting, I stood up. It got dark early. The moon shone with such intensity that you could see around clearly.

The light cast shadows around.
I stared at my shadow, remembering that a few years ago, it was much smaller. I always had an interest in my shadow and other shadows of objects too. I've always thought that the science behind it was fascinating.

As I stared at my shadow, something weird happened. It seemed to be getting larger. As it grew, it became darker than usual. I started to panic. Was I hallucinating?

Shadows of other objects didn't appear to be growing in size but as I glanced back at mine it kept growing still.
It grew so large that it seemed to engulf me in its darkness. My heart began to race.

I ran. I kept running until I reached the front of the house and then I ran into someone.

"Aaah!" I screamed, only to look up and realize that it was Maddie.
I was breathing heavily.
"Are you okay?" she asked, steadying me.
"Yeah. I uh...was just...jogging," I panted.

"Oh. Cool. Are you ready?" she asked, giving me a once over. "Looks like you are. You look nice by the way."

I stared at her. "Thanks. You too."
She was dressed in a blue cardigan and blue joggers. Her hair was tied back in a bun.

"C'mon," she said, "You know where we're going. I don't."
We set off.

As we walked, I was aware of my shadow increasing with every step. When we passed a street lamp, the shadow vanished. When it reappeared, it started growing again. That's how it went on. Fortunately, Maddie didn't notice because she kept looking out at the road and the shops at the corner.

"Where is this place?" she asked.

"Hmm?" I looked up from my shadow.

"The place we're going to."

"Oh, uh..." I looked ahead, "there! There it is."

Luckily, we reached already.

As we got closer, Maddie looked up at the glass doors which were decorated with neon lights spelling out its name.

"Davie's," she read. "It looks cool c'mon."
We walked towards the bar.

A bell chimed as we pushed through the door.

"Hey Luce!" the bartender waved at me.
I smiled and waved back.

"Hi, Carl."

"Who's your friend?" Carl asked me.

I turned to Maddie.


Yay! Maddie is making new friends!

Do you think about Maddie and Lucy's friendship?
Is it weird and unexpected?

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