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(Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and is no way connected to real life whatsoever.)

''Run! Fate... Don't look back, keep running until you reach the village... Go now!'' The old man screamed, at the little girl.

Crying in tears, the little girl turned her back at the old man, and ran as fast as she could. She kept running, as the old man screamed in pain and horror. While the little girl had no choice but to run, the screaming was later replaced by total silence, followed by a horrifying roar.

As she turns her gaze back, the little girl witnessed something truly horrifying. The same old man who told her to run, just a few minutes ago, was being torn apart limb by limb, by a bunch of humanoid creatures with distorted figures.

The girl stopped running and cried, ''Grandfather, NO!'' but all it did was draw the attention of one of the monsters, as it seperated from the group, eventually taking off to chase the little girl. Seeing the disfigured monster running towards her, the girl ran in fear.

She ran and ran, her breath ragged and her heart pounding. Yet, as she race through the eerie silence, the sound of pursuing footsteps grew steadily closer. Panic surged within the little girl, and with each step, her hope for rescue dwindled.

After running for a while, the little girl opened her eyes. And what she saw next was devastating. The very village she was told to run to, was in flames. Disfigured corpses filled the streets, and the loud cacophony of endless screaming echoed through her ears.

The surviving villagers were being chased and slaughtered by the creatures, that were once believed to be nothing but myth's. The little girl was too shocked, to even move. She stood there, frozen in terror, as she bore witness to the gruesome spectacle unfolding before her. As the people were being devoured and torn apart, limb from limb, by the relentless creatures.

The screaming continued for hours, as the creatures roamed around slaughtering everyone they see. Meanwhile the little girl just stood there, as she accepted the fact that all hope was lost when suddenly, A masculine voice called upon her and said, ''What the hell are you standing around there for kid! Go and run with the rest of the villagers.'' The little girl diverts her gaze towards the voice to see a group of people trying to fight off the creatures.

As she stared at the group, one of the guy who was fighting the creatures, began to ran towards the little girl. The man lifted the little girl up, carrying her on his back, as he signals the group to run. One by one they started to run as fast as they could towards the sea, where the other survivors have gathered.

The other survivors have prepared boats while waiting for the others, that are hoping to escape. Meanwhile the man carrying the little girl ran as fast he could, as the group who fought with him followed. The other survivors who waited at the boats, screamed in Unison, ''Hurry up!''

''Behind you!''

''We're all gonna die!''

As the people shouted, the man arrived at the boats, gave the little girl to the survivors, and said, '' Take her and go! me and my men will buy you some time, enough for all of you to escape.''

And without delay the survivors took off, as they sailed further away into the sea. While the man and his group stayed behind to fight off the pursuiting creatures.

And while the survivors, went further away into the endless sea. All they could do was cry and watch the brave men who were left behind, get eaten and murdered by the creatures.

Ever since that day mankind has lived in fear. As creatures from legends and myth's came out of nowhere killing thousands of lives. 

The remaining survivors escaped into a distant island. For a while they thought they were saved. But some of the creatures were still able to follow, and for the next few years the massacre continued. And after years and years of nothing but death, and fear. Mankind had enough and fought back, and as they fought and fought against the immortal creatures. They soon came to learn that apparently, the creatures are weak against bronze weapons.

Upon learning this, the people on the island formed military groups, and divided into four clans, going on to war against the creatures. As the war grew longer and longer. Humanity soon came to learn that someone or something is behind the attack that took place way before.

Now having a target. Each of the four clans, formed squads containing 7 of their strongest soldiers. total of 4 teams containing 28 people. They call them expeditions, elite soldiers chosen to infiltrate the enemies territory, hoping to kill the one that leads the creatures.

The first expedition failed, and none was left from the 24 elites. More expeditions was launched and still nothing. As time passes mankind began to fear the creatures once again.

Now 13 years later since the creatures appeared. The military is now recruiting for the launching of the 47th expedition. The little girl named Fate is now 17 years old, with determination in her eyes, she joins the military with one goal in mind. ''To join the expeditions and kill whoever it is that leads the creatures.''


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