"Wohh finally I'm here early for first time as I'm standing infront of park company.. should I proud on myself?"

" Today first time he will not scold me why I'm behaving like dramatic person whatever?"

I came in office. I saw everywhere but he was not here.. i saw Lia she was coming toward me while waving her hand.

" Miss where is boss " I asked impatiently cause he was not coming from 2 days. I was missing my baby I really want to ask him why he took 2 days of.

" He is in cabin " she said with flirty look. I was about to go when she again called me.

" Hey mr handsome "

" Yes " I asked with raised brow.

" How's I'm looking?" What is with this question Argh!!

" Nice.. a.. can I go" I excused myself from there sometimes she is irritating.

I came toward his cabin

" May I come in?' I asked while drooling over his cold figure one leg on another, eyes on file reading something

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" May I come in?' I asked while drooling over his cold figure one leg on another, eyes on file reading something.

" Come " he said without looking at me he was too much busy so I thought to annoy him more. A smirk spread on my lips.

" Today I'm early sir " I said while pressing my lips together. I can't believe it was this me? What a silly question sometimes I'm cringed by myself .

"Wohh wow The min yoongi came early for first time " he is becoming dramatic like me he clapped his hands what the!! am I changing him?

" Why you took 2 days leave " I couldn't able to hold myself and asked.. I really expect a good answer untill he spoke.

" You don't have right to ask about this " he said with extreme rude fuck it now!

" Ok it will not happened from next time may I go now" I Also said with cold tone what he thought only he can?  I left from there without glancing at him..

Author pov

Yoongi left from there with little sad face even he didn't show this but anyone could tell he was sad.

" Did I said to much? He was looking sad.. but why the fuck I'm even thinking he is just my employee nothing " jimin thought this he was denying that he don't care but he noticed it.

" Should I check on him?" He don't care then why he is thinking to check on him
( Confused park jimin )


Yoongi pov

I came and sat on my place Angrily "Control yoongi " the only thing I thought

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I came and sat on my place Angrily
"Control yoongi " the only thing I thought.. how rude!!
I was in my thoughts when I heard phone ring..

" Hello" I said I smiled after hearing his voice " Hello my yoon how are you ?" " All fine appa" I smiled again

" Me and your mom is coming today " I'm so happy they are coming but wait what without my force.

" I'm so happy.. first time you both are coming by yourself any reason " I asked for teasing them.

" Do we need reason?"

" No appa I was just asking "

" Ok ok I understand you but listen come home early till 5 it's urgent we want to tell you something " what they want to tell me ?

" Ok I'll come but first tell me what you wants to tell me??" I was really curious you can call me pationsless person.

" You are stubborn"

" Yes I'm now tell me "

" So it's about your Marria--- before I could hear whole thing someone snatched my mobile from my hands
It was him that rude cold but cute boss.

" What is this mr.min you came here for work not for talking in phone " I could see his angry face.

" It was urgent call sir " I said while not looking at him, like I always do.

" So tell me what was your urgent call" he asked. he was pissing me now.

" Sir do you ask this to every employee their urgent work?" I asked, last two word mockingly.

" I pay them so I can ask their urgent work to " he again spoke like Jerk with cold tone.. calm down Yoongi.

" Sir can I go home early Actually my parents came here to visit me I think it's sufficient reason " my lips were pressed with each other when I was saying this.

" No " A real jerk.

" Now work you can go after 8 " I said nothing expect humming " hmm"

Jimin pov

I came in cabin again fuck why can't I control myself " did I again said to much? "

Why I'm caring fuck.. what if he really have urgent work as he told his parents are visiting him
The hell why I'm feeling "GUILTY"

I never thought this much about anyone

" Lia Lia " I called Lia

" Yes "

" Send mr. Min in " she left obediently while nodding her head.

"I was waiting for him to come when I saw my phone was vibrating as I puted mobile on silent mode
It's appa a smile crept on my face.

" Hey baby " I smiled he always greet me like this

" Yes appa "

" Can you come home early? " Why he is calling me home early?

" Anything serious appa? " I asked being worried.

" Nothing serious just want to tell you something "

" Ok.. I'll come " I obeyed him.

----To be continue

Word count


Next chap

" We fixed your Marriage and we are going in their home " yoongi was just standing with what the fuck look

Heyy wamily 💓

Where are they going??

Why mr park called jimin home early?

Is it boring?! I'll improve myself promise

Sorry for not uploading on YouTube I'm to busy YouTube take too much time ah whattpad is easy
That's the reason we are still stuck on 3.4k subscriber 🙂😩

I'm really sorry

Do I talk to much??

Love you bye saranghae 💜

I'm spoiling you all by quick updates so I'll stop from now so do lots of comments don't be silent reader

Vote target

--yoonmins adopted daughter here

𝐂𝐄𝐎 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 (𝐘𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐟) ✓Where stories live. Discover now