Chapter 1

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Ellie's POV

Today is the day that I will be attending my new school, Rosemary Academy. It is known as the top school for magic users of all kinds. Only the best of the best are able to attend this school.

Now I'm sure you are probably wondering why I am just now transferring into this school for my senior year. Well to put it simply, I have been home schooled for just about my whole life. And I never was able to go to a public school considering how busy I was helping solve cases for organizations all around the world.

However, this year I decided that I wanted to take a break from all of that so that I could experience things that "normal" teenagers experienced. My parents reluctantly agreed, so they ended up sending me here.

"Ellie are you almost ready?" My mom's voice yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah, mom I'll be downstairs in a minute!" I said as I grabbed my bag and checked myself out in the mirror in front of me.

Needless to say that I was very happy with my outfit.

(Ellie's outfit)

I quickly ran down the stairs to the kitchen where both of my parents were sitting eating breakfast

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I quickly ran down the stairs to the kitchen where both of my parents were sitting eating breakfast.

"Good morning honey" my dad said taking a sip of his coffee.

"Morning pops" I replied back as I picked up one of the breakfast sandwiches they had just made.

"Sweetie we just wanted to let you know that your dad and I are going on another business trip, we're not sure how long we will be gone this time." My mom said as she scrolled on her phone, probably checking emails.

"Okay mom, I'll stay in my new dorm and visit on the weekends you guys are home." I said, seeing her nod.

"Okay honey, have a good first day of school. We're so proud of you."

She got up and gave me a kiss on my forehead. I smiled and went over to the counter to get my keys to leave.

"Bye love you guys, have a safe trip." I waved to them and went outside to my car. I drove a white corvette Z51 3LT, with a red interior. It was my baby.

Hopping into my car I quickly drove over to my best friend's house, it didn't take long considering she lived literally 30 seconds away from me.

Once I pulled up, I honked twice, seeing an excited red head rush out of her house and towards my car, swinging open the door.

"Hey boo what's up?!" My best friend Elizabeth said as she climbed into the passenger seat next to me.

"Hey Liz" I said checking out her outfit.

(Elizabeth's outfit)

(Elizabeth's outfit)

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