Chest Against Back.

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Izuku could feel every single little tingle in his body from even the slightest touch of Katsuki's pecs. It felt warm, it felt like it would bounce back if it was pressed... holy shit, was he doing this on purpose?

Izuku just completely froze at his action. He was sure Katsuki was cursing him out at the moment for cutting it wrong, but he couldn't hear any of it. So Izuku was stuck focusing on the touch of his chest on his back. "I-I think I got it," Izuku accidentally interrupted Katsuki in the middle of his scolding. Katsuki huffed, letting Izuku go. "Whatever, do it then."

Izuku cleared his throat, going back to cutting. It was shaky, but it worked. He tried to mimic Katsuki's style, but it obviously didn't work. He accidentally cut his finger. "G-Gah!" Izuku put down the knife, blood soon gushing out of the tiny cut.

"Shit, Deku, you're so fuckin' clumsy." Katsuki was the first to notice Izuku's finger bleeding. Probably because he was side eyeing him the whole time.

"Shoot! Want me to go get a bandage?" Kirishima asked, to which the blond nodded. Katsuki guided the green haired male to the sink, "We need to wash it." He stood behind Izuku. But because of that, Izuku didn't hear any of it. "No, no! It's gonna hurt, please," Izuku pleaded, averting his gaze. "Shut up, it's not." Katsuki rolled his eyes, making sure it was lukewarm water that was running down the sink. "M'kay, there, gimme your hand." He grabbed his finger. "Stop! A-Agh..." Izuku grunted, the cut burning the moment it was put in the water. "N-Ngh! It hurts!" Izuku groaned.

"You're fine." Katsuki sighed, having to push himself closer towards Izuku as Izuku wouldn't stop moving. "Stop moving."

Now, Izuku didn't know what to think. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know what to say. He just felt Katsuki press against him even more, which made him go quiet. He didn't know which action he was supposed to groan over. He didn't know anything anymore.

This Bakugo guy better stop what he's doing.

Izuku was very thankful that he was facing away from Katsuki at the moment, or else he'd notice how red his face was. Katsuki didn't notice, but Uraraka sure did.

She gasped, covering her mouth up using one of her hands. She stared at the two with a surprises face, with the first thing her noticing being Izuku's red face.

Izuku noticed Uraraka's gaze fall on the two, and his eyes went wide, he immediately started to do all sorts of motions with his other hand, to show that this was not was she thought it was.



Izuku could feel something below his back, pressed against him. Was that Katsuki's d-...

"HAHAHA! I THINK IT'S BETTER NOW!" Izuku laughed, immediately pulling himself away from Katsuki, trying to hide his reddened face.

Katsuki looked a little confused. "M'kay? At least let me bandage it. Shitty hair!" He yelled. "The banda—"

Izuku shook his head violently. "No, no, no! I-I got it! Haha!" Izuku basically ripped the bandage from Kirishima's hands, immediately putting it on his finger. "See? I got it! Uh, Hahaha..." Izuku laughed nervously.

Katsuki raised a brow. "Er... alright then, I'll cut the vegetables this time, you just... watch the water boil. Sound easy?" Izuku nodded vigorously.

And there he was, standing in front of the stove, watching the water slowly create the tiniest of bubbles. He wasn't really paying attention to the water, to be honest. Because:

1. What just happened.

2. Katsuki was cutting the vegetables like some master chef.

It was true, he couldn't stop looking. He was doing it so effortlessly and fast, definitely not like himself. "Woah..." he stared in awe.

Katsuki smirked, managing to cut the vegetables properly even with having no need to look at it. "I know, I'm just that amazing." Katsuki blew his own horn.

"You're so cool, Kacchan..." Izuku mumbled in awe. "Y-You don't even need to look! Oh my gosh..."

Katsuki raised a brow at the name, "Kacchan" but he didn't question it much, since the compliments fed his ego a little too much to care at the moment.

"Keep it comin'." Katsuki smirked to himself, closing his eyes and cutting the vegetables as well, to which Izuku kept oo-ing and aa-ing.

The rest of the class finally caught on, and watched the two. Some with a knowing look, some with a 'Of course this is happening.' Type of look, some, having no idea what was going on at all. Like Shoto.

"What are they doing?" Shoto asked Uraraka.

"Chemistry." Uraraka whispered, smirking.

"What? But that isn't chemistry. Chemistry is—"

Uraraka sighed. "Not that type of Chemistry, Shoto! Chemistry. Romance." She giggled.

"...I don't remember our chemistry teacher talking about romance." Shoto scratched the back of his neck. The brunette sighed.

"I smell something burning." Izuku whispered, turning back to look at the stove. His eyes widened when he saw the amount of smoke coming from the pot of water from the stove. "C-Crap, I think I burnt the water!" Izuku stared at the cloud of gas nervously.

Everyone stared at it as well.

"The alarms. They might go off." Shoto informed, staring at it as well.

Katsuki panicked. "Fuck! Deku, you fucking idiot! How did you burn water?!" He grabbed the males shoulders making Izuku look at him. Izuku just stared at the blond, while a quiet blush crept onto his face. He couldn't even concentrate on trying to decode what he was saying. He was focused on the touch on his shoulders. Meanwhile, everyone quickly clear the gas before the alarm could go off.

Denki was trying to blow it away, which obviously didn't work, the only thing that happened was a bit of spit from his mouth when he tried to blow it away really hard.

Katsuki saw this, and rolled his eyes. "Dunce face, you're an idiot." He let go of Izuku, going over to the yellow haired male.

While the rest tried to aggressively clear the kitchen from any gas/smoke, Izuku just stood there, his eyes wide. He reached behind him, to where his ass was, and felt the exact area where Katsuki's—

"Izuku!" A few people yelled.

No answer, the class just watched at Izuku awkwardly touch his own ass. "It was right here," Izuku whispered to himself. "It touched me right here," he mumbled so quietly that no one would understand it.

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