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I cried a lot today cause they kept on saying suicide is not an option.
Take a deep breathe, talk to someone, pray.
What happens when you've done all that, and you still feel nothing but the pain?.

I cried today because it's always going to be like this.
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and now 22. Apparently seven years of suffocation.
Seven years that felt like being dragged down in the deep current of an ocean.
Seven years that felt like you're not living but only just existing.
Anxiety upon anxiety that you can't stop.
You go out only to hide out teardrops from the public.

I cried today because I don't want to leave but staying feels numb.
I cried because I let them all see the girl with no worries on the socials, while behind the camera it's actually hurting.


You checking this new work of mine out means a lot to me😊. I know some of my GOBH readers misses me and my characters, but the book is on hold till I can finally juggle my emotions aside.

N.B: (this book is mostly not about me🌚 so, don't go look at me with that look in your eye 🎵🤭).

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