Chapter 1. Something bad is about to happen.

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' ' Hey,you alright? I just saw you spacing out from across the room and... ' '

Despite all circumstances,you made it. You finally made it,pain and pleasure included in your journey as promised. No matter how many times you promised yourself the sweet release of death, no matter how many times you tried to stop feeling the way you do... you still made it. Attempt after attempt made,why are you here?


Gaze averted from whatever the professor was showing on the PowerPoint slides, Y/n L/n stared at a corner. Thoughts were racing,their hand fidgeting with a pen. Maybe Y/n hadn't slept well,maybe Y/n was tired. Why did they look so dull? Were they always this,spaced out? Maybe if they paid more attention to their classes Y/n could've been top of their class,heck maybe the entire college if they desired. But no.

The attention you receive from being that good would be so overwhelming,it would kill someone.

What even is being 'good' at something like? You'll never truly know,the term good is like a blur. Like the line that separates the sea and the ocean,the far...wide spread ocean. Being good at something is never really justified. Y/n's classmates were..mediocre. No one was good. Everyone was...great. The thing about being unique is that so many people are considered 'unique' that the meaning of the term is just. Gone.

Y/n suddenly gets pulled out of their hazy thoughts. The bell ringing echoes throughout the entire classroom. Everyone picks up their stuff,everyone looks like zombies. No one wishes to be here. No one wants this. Everyone wants a fun, lively college experience. And so did you,you were a baby thinking that college was gonna be so cool. Despite how much it seemed to stress you out,especially during entrance expected heaven right after. But this? This was hell.

"Y/n?"..You couldn't care less to answer,someone probably had the same name as you. The class was huge anyway. What are the odds? Plus, maybe if you ignored whoever this-  "Y/n??" -was... they'd go away. You pack up your stuff,notebooks,laptop.. pencil case,among other stuff. "Y/n." You zip your bag shut and throw it over your shoulder,the backpack strap wrapping around your physique perfectly.  "Y/n!" Oh for fucks sake. You clear your throat and muster up the energy to speak,in a semi-raspy but still understandable voice you reply. "Hi,hey..what is it?" You raise and eyebrow and turn around to face who was trying to grab your attention.

A shorter female with short black hair, blue raccoon tail dyed hair sections and some simple light make-up stared up at you. You weren't too tall,or at least that's what you thought. The female wore a brown cardigan and a blue denim un-pleated skirt,along with mary janes and leg warmers. Pretty basic,but everyone had their tastes. "Hey! It's Velvith? Your...roommate?".

You blink twice,maybe even thrice at the name. Who the fuck is Velvith? You didn't even know you had a roommate. Well,kind of. You're just being dramatic. "sorry..I don-" "it's fine! I'm hosting a party. I just wanted to invite you and all." Velvith spoke confidently,hands on her hips. She looked up at you with pride. How pitiful.

"Yeah..No thanks,I gotta study." You shrug and turn to walk away,but Velvith resists. He grabs your arm and pulls you back to face her. "C'mon.. please? I promised Caleb that i'd bring them a blind date and.." You furrow your eyebrows. You remember Caleb, some jerky nerd who kept poking his nose into your business during your first week here. " Vel.." "velvith." You sigh,was this girl being serious.. "Right. Velvith,I didn't really agree on being someone's blind date."

You try to pull away from the female but she still doesn't back down. "Look,that's my bad but will you please just come to the party anyway?..." Velvith stares up at you with puppy dog eyes. No,it wasn't cute. It was annoying.

You thought for a moment,you blink and stare down at the ground. Velviths' grip loosens slightly. You look back at Velvith,hope still hasn't left her expression. Should you go? Why should you go? Maybe you should just pretend like you're going,then stand Velvith up. Perfect plan really. You could even smile at your plan,but you refrain.

"Fine. When? Where?" Velvith grins,her teeth shows. She has braces on. Cool. "Next week! I'll add you to the group chat,we're still deciding on the location." You try to hold yourself together but curiosity takes over you. "And.. what are we gonna be doing there?" You bite your lip,cringing with the fact that you just made the conversation longer than it has to be. "College shit." Velvith giggles as she lets go of you,she crosses her arms and leans against a table.

What the fuck does she mean by college shit? "Like..what an orgy?" You joke,you smile a bit. Velvith gasps,whoops. "Wh-wha..Nuh uh. Y'know..drink,drugs..." You nod. You really didn't want to be caught in such a mess. But you're not going anyway,so.

"Right." You turn to leave,a wave of relief washes over you in an instant. Feeling Velvith's presence slowly disappear from your peripheral vission. Thank g-"Waaait-! Y/n!" You groan. Too early to celebrate huh. "Let's walk back to the dorm together." Velvith smiles,running up to you. You look at Velvith with a strange expression. Huh. It's like she only enrolled into college for shit like this. Drugs and alcohol. One night stands and bad decisions..

You've seen stories like these on the news headlines,you've heard it from gossip and all. But,you never knew how easy it was to get persuaded into participating in such activity. It was that simple; someone inviting another to a party. Luckily,you were smart. You'll find a way to avoid the party nonetheless. It was just the first domino to push. "Hey..Y/n? You good?" Velvith asks,looking at Y/n. Her phone's in one hand,the other clutching onto her messenger bag. You just nod a bit and open the door to leave the classroom,it was already getting pretty dark outside.

Y/n glanced around the halls,it was empty. The two started to make their way towards the dormitories. The lecture took so long,and Velvith's little back and forth with Y/n wasted more of Y/ns precious time.

....Or whatever was left of Y/n's precious time.


Dark Red. // Creepypasta fanfiction. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang