Chapter 3: Visions

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Princess Syleth: Father... I know but he knows some village that he usually fly around and he might tell me a few ones that may be unprotected.

Krex: Did Verax lost his parents?

Princess Syleth: He did.... Killed by human dragonslayers when he was young.... Ive save him from that day. He never trust any other human since then or he now hates them.

King Draco: I understand his pain as he is trying to not let his emotions get the better of him and try kill one human from hatred...

Princess Syleth: I don't think he wont father... He knows that's a crime.

Krex: Well.... Verax can be aggressive Princess, he could be a threat to a human and you know that.

Krellex: I suggest we should past this matter to another dragon that does not have any hate with humanity for example how about our scholar Frya?

King Draco: She would be perfect for the task! Darling we just want to keep our vassals safe because I know Verax could harm a human.

Princess Syleth: Dad.... He wont... I know you all are concerned about him but he must learn that we have to coexist with humans no matter what. (She walked in four to the front yard as she was going to lunch towards the sky) Ill be back soon. (She spread her blue wings and lunge towards the skies and flying east)

King Draco: (Draconic sight) Whatever..... (Looking to his guards) Well is there anything we need to discuss?

Krex: I don't think we do?

King Draco: Well if we have nothing to discuss, you all are dismiss.

They were right about me, I do hate Humans or I did... Well it was a tragedy ive witnessed as ive saw four human dragon slayers entering in our home cave during one of the human rebellions, I was lucky that the Princess was nearby flying around engaging with the rebels. She is now flying towards my cave to inform me about the task and what the High Elves are planning.

Princess Syleth: (Landed) Verax! You there??

Verax: [Dark Grey Storm Dragon] (Coming to her) My Princess!? Is so good to see one of my fellow kind around here!

Princess Syleth: Well about that Verax I need you.

Verax: Need me? In what?

Princess Syleth: We have reports that the High Elves are planning to release drakes to one of our vassals villages, I need you to inform me which villages are unprotected.

Verax: Bah! Why we should continue protecting these human rats!? Can we just kill them all!?

Princess Syleth: Verax.... You must learn how to coexist with them... Not all humans are bad individuals! I know many of them that are great peoples!

Verax: Their wretched abominations are the reason why my parents are dead!

Princess Syleth: Look I understand that but I don't want you to look humans as the same! Some are great people!

Verax: (Angry growl) You think they deserve my protection after what they have done!? You think---

Princess Syleth: (Angry) Verax!! That's an order! I need you to fly around and look the nine villages in our kingdom and report me back which one is unprotected, so I send more dragons to those villages!

Verax: (Growling) Fine.... I will do it because you command it but if one human gets injured im not going to help them!

Princess Syleth: Then maybe some of us will! I need your report, all you have to do is flying above nothing else! (She lunges and fly away from his home)

Verax: (Angry loud growl!!) I hate humans!!!!

I was frustrated that day... I usually see them inferior pathetic and weak.... But obviously that was back then in those days, so I did not reject my orders and I was obliged to follow her orders not matter what, I lunge to the skies to look to the villages and see which one seems unprotected military. During in my flying as I was gliding with my wings, I see the large moon Keysal and the two smaller moons Drever and Maesar and the bright sun in the horizon as im flying towards it and touching the clouds. Is so peaceful up here....As I continue flying to one of the village, Princess Arrived at the great citadel and reported back to King Draco.

Princess Syleth: (Landed) Verax is on its way to check around dad.

King Draco: (Laid down in his throne) You actually convinced him??

Princess Syleth: I did, he needs to learn how to coexist with humanity father. Not all humans are the same.

King Draco: I know.... Many humans do not like that some other humans hate us and refuse to follow the dragon slayer guilds.

Then one of King Draco human advisers entered the throne room.

Sarah: (Opened the doors) My lord!

King Draco: Sarah! Come! Step forward!

Sarah: (Walking for a few and kneeled like bowed to the King) My lord.... I have a very weird vision that may connect to why I was having these weird dreams.

King Draco: (Moves one of his hands like a gesture with his fingers) Did you?? So what did you see?

Sarah: It was weird... I saw this same girl and a white dragon. But this dragon scales shines with the light of the sun!

Princess Syleth: A white dragon? But they have been extinct for thousands of years ago?

King Draco: They have! But a girl? Who is this girl?

Sarah: I do not know but she doesn't look like any girl from this world, I saw her on a different place... like....

King Draco: Like what?

Sarah: Like a place that does not exist in this world.... She was in this place where theres cities like weird tall buildings.... I... I don't know its weird....

Princess Syleth: Father I think we must continue finding these patterns as to who is this person because Sarah told me about this girl like the second time.

King Draco: Could it be someone from another nation in Dracoria?

Princess Syleth: It could be, maybe an important figure? It remains to be seen.

Sarah: I do not know but the place she was looks way.....too alien..... I don't know how to explain it.

King Draco: Its alright Sarah. We may eventually discover these puzzle as to why you are getting these visions and who exactly is this person. You may dismiss...

Sarah: Thank you my lord, have a great day! (Bowed and walked away)

Princess Syleth: (Looking at her father) A girl not from Dracoria? Do you believe this could be possible?

King Draco: I do not know Syleth... But this universe can sometimes be weird and strange.

They remain talking there about the mysteries of the universes, let me say this, that we have no knowledge how the universe works. We were born to rule on inferior races, but this talk of a girl not from Dracoria and that white dragon? Its really strange because the white dragon clans they were exterminated a thousand of years ago during the Human-Dragon War for atrocities they committed on both sides on that war, they went rogue for some reasons against everyone in Dracoria.

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