The start to a new Journey!

Start from the beginning

Mustard: Gloria, step forward

Gloria: -salutes him- Sir yes sir!!

Mustard: Hahaha, that charisma is exactly why I paired you up with Chuck

Chuck: -chuckles- Hahaha, you're a interesting one, I can tell, nice to meet yah Gloria

Gloria: -bows and smiles- Thank you Master Chuck

Chuck: Haha, just Chuck is fine!!

Mustard: -looks towards Ash- And now for Ash, step forward

Ash: -nods- Right!

Mustard: Bruno will be your Master

Bruno: -steps forward to Ash and lends a hand- Hello Ash Ketchum, it's a pleasure to meet you

Ash: (Woah, he's ripped!! And he's so tall, well over 6 feet!) -shakes his hand back- Nice to meet you too Bruno!

???: Is my brat still troubled?

Mustard: I'm afraid so Marshal, you'll help her with that

Korrina: Wait, is that Bea's Master?

Ash: Speaking of Bea, where is she?

Mustard: -takes a long pause and breaths in and out- She still hasn't broken the boulder

Mustard: -takes a long pause and breaths in and out- She still hasn't broken the boulder

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Korrina: WHAT!? There's no way Bea still haven't broken it

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Korrina: WHAT!? There's no way Bea still haven't broken it

Gloria: Yeah that's impossible!!

Ash: -thinks to himself- (I've been thinking about it for a while, even Maylene seemed to notice something off about Bea. Looks like even she has her limits

Mustard: Bea will eventually break the boulder, so what she does is none of your concern right now. You will all leave immediately to follow wherever you Master's take you

Gloria: -stretches- How long is this going to take?

Korrina: All we need to do is get a badge, shouldn't take too long

Mustard: -chuckles- Hahahahaha!!

Gurkinn: -smirks- How naive

Mustard: It depends on your Master, but I do estimate either 1 years time or more

Ash: A year or more!?

Korrina: That long!!??

Bruno: -turns around and walks away-

Ash: He's walking away

Mustard: Better follow him Ash, don't leave his side. Say your goodbyes and be on your way

Ash: -turns to Korrina and Gloria- It's been a pleasure -pulls them both in for a hug- Let's all return back as better trainers, I won't lose to you guys

Korrina: -chuckles and starts to tear up a little- Same here Ash!!

Gloria: -whispers- Are you sure you don't want to see Marnie?

Ash: Like I said last night, I'll go see Marnie again once I'm done with my business here

Gloria: -chuckles- Fine then, hurry up and get that badge

Ash: -nods- Right

Gurkinn: It's about time we leave as well Korrina. You will be following me to region 6, I already have a plane ready to go back at the mansion

Chuck: And you will follow me back to my home town in region 2 Gloria!! Let's not waste anymore time here!!

-Mustard has separate boats for all of them-

Ash: -gets on a boat with Bruno and they speed off- Guess this is really it, see you later Gloria, Korrina, Mustard, and Honey!! I'll be back and stronger, that's a promise!!

-Gloria and Korrina leave with their master too-

Honey: There they go

Mustard: I'm gonna miss having those brats around me for a while

Marshal: -walks up to Mustard- Is Bea still having trouble Master?

Mustard: Yeah, it's a shame. I've noticed it for a while now, her aura as well as mental and physical focus has been on decline. She'll never be able to break that boulder while in her current condition

Marshal: Hmph...that surely is a good look for the future head of the Shiroihono family

Mustard: -strokes his beard- Yes indeed. I seen many trainers like this before, if this goes on any longer she'll drown herself deeper and deeper into despair, and she'll never reach her peak as a pokemon trainer

Marshal: Why don't I start training her now, she needs a stern leadership. I will force her out of that state of mind whether she wants to, or not

Mustard: Yes, that's why I assigned you specifically to her -hands him a map-

Mustard: Follow this map, it'll lead you to her. I already explained everything to see, I also explained if she doesn't break that boulder soon... -puts on a deadly serious face-

 -puts on a deadly serious face-

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Mustard: She's done...

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