"Oh, Finn, I would never die until I get my revenge on you!" Jillian unleashed a barrage of sword strikes towards Finn. The palum jumped back and spun his spear into motion.

Riveria, too, had her hands full as Kara, another one of Erebus' loyal retainers, dashed towards the elven mage. Riveria created a powerful barrier as the petite, sadistic woman approached her with a hysterical laugh.

"Oh, Riveria! I can't wait to turn you into one of my art pieces!" Kara said seductively as she relentlessly slashed at the barrier with her dagger.

Riveria glared at the madwoman, maintaining absolute concentration to uphold her barrier. However, because of this, the adventurers lost their support in their fight against the Evilus members and chimeras.


August rushed in to assist others in the chaotic battle. His mana surged violently as he cut down an Evilus grunt, his spear cleaving through the enemy effortlessly. He didn't stop his momentum, spinning and thrusting his spear into another Evilus member's skull.

Ottar's words echoed in his mind: "You're too weak." Every syllable of those words stung his heart. He had trained, gained strength, and pushed his limits for nine years, and all it took was those words to shatter his confidence.

Too weak.

With a primal roar, he massacred every Evilus member in his path. No mercy was shown. Every time his spear moved, someone's life was extinguished.

Chimeras started to pounce towards the young adventurer, but they, too, suffered the same fate as the grunts. August became a twirling death, his spear decimating everything in his path.

He felt his neck tingle, and August quickly slashed behind him, his spear blocked by a dagger. The assailant released their weapon and reached for another dagger, stabbing it towards August's abdomen.

August's left hand let go of the spear, grabbing the hand that was stabbing towards him. With a powerful tug, he pulled the assailant closer and placed his spear right between the attacker's neck. With one final pull, he separated the head from the body, blood splattering across his face.

He felt another attacker coming from his side. August grabbed the severed head mid-air and loaded his mana into it. With a grunt, he threw the head, launching it at the attacker with tremendous force.

"D-demon!" the Evilus grunts who witnessed this tried to retreat, but August was in a bad mood, and he wasn't feeling merciful. He arrived instantaneously in front of the nearest grunt, swiftly stabbing his spear through their body. With a quick burst of movement, he was in front of a chimera, slamming his spear, along with the severed head, right into its base.

The chimera burst, guts and innards flying through the air. The air was filled with blood, blinding the chimera that pounced at August. The blinded creature swung its sharp nails blindly, but August was already behind it. His right hand, filled with mana, grabbed the chimera by the spine, crushing the bone. With a violent pull, he removed the spine, along with its head.

Too weak.

His movements were no longer polished and smooth; there was no trace of his martial prowess, only violence—extreme, blood-curdling violence. He was still efficient, but not to the extent for which he was known.

His movements were savage and cruel. He killed everything with the greatest amount of pain he could inflict. Everyone around him grew pale, whether they were adventurers or Evilus members. Everything he touched died, with no enemies spared, not even those who screamed for mercy.

And the scariest thing was that he did it with no emotion on his face.

Too weak.

"Well, well... You really do live up to your name, the Spear of Mortal Death." It was Lucius, one of the Evilus members and the one who had devised this plan, at least as far as he was concerned.

August just gave him a cold look, and in the next moment, within the blink of an eye, his spear was thrust through Lucius' throat.

Lucius' eyes widened, he gurgled blood, staring ahead at August, who remained coldly composed. August slowly pulled his spear out of Lucius' throat, his eyes never leaving the man's.

Lucius' body slumped to the ground in a pool of his own blood, and August didn't even spare him a glance.

But as August took a step away, a familiar voice sounded once again.

"Geez, can't you let me finish?" Lucius stood up again, his head smoking as it quickly regenerated from muscle to skin. "That hurts, you know."

August walked toward Lucius, his spear glowing violently.

"Hey now! Slow down for a moment! Aren't you even curious why I'm not dying?" Lucius gestured for August to stop, but before he knew it, the adventurer had disappeared.


Lucius felt a sharp pain behind him and looked down to find a spear going straight through his heart. "S-so that's what it looks like," he said playfully.

Lucius grabbed the spear, but August had already pulled it out. This time, Lucius didn't fall to the ground. He turned around and slashed his sword toward August.

August blocked the sword and pushed forward, sliding into Lucius' space. He then stabbed his spear into Lucius' head, going from under the chin.

But Lucius didn't go down again. He delivered a kick toward August's side. August raised his knee to check the kick with his shin, then spun to deliver a slash with his spear, cutting Lucius in two.

August watched as Lucius' bodies slumped to the ground, but to his surprise, the two halves began to reconnect.

"Ahhh, that hurts!" Lucius, now fully regenerated, stood up again. "You know, you're a little piece of shit, that's what you are." He glared at August as he cracked his neck.

August this time didn't attack, but he was ready to do so at any moment. "Why won't you die?" he asked.

"Well, if you'd let me explain earlier, this would have been done with!" Lucius stretched his back, bending forward and backward. "Anyway, thanks to Lord Erebus' experiments, I have this power. At first, I was skeptical, but it seems to work."

Lucius smiled crazily as he stared at August. "You see, every time I die, someone else dies in my place. Those 'someones' are the children we kidnapped from the village we ransacked. So, you've killed me, what, 3, 4 times now? Congratulations! You've killed 4 innocent children. HAHAHAHAH!!!"

August's expression turned even colder, his mana surging even more. "How many?" he demanded.

"Geez, I don't know... A hundred, maybe more. See, I don't really care, but I know you do, all of you goody two-shoes adventurers do." Lucius continued laughing mockingly, holding his abdomen as he wiped tears from his eyes.

"A hundred or more, huh? Good to know," August said coldly. He then arrived in front of Lucius and stabbed his spear straight inside his mouth. Lucius' eyes went wide as he stared at the spear lodged there. August pulled it out and slashed Lucius' head clean off.

"I guess I'll have to kill you a hundred or more times, then," August spoke, his voice devoid of any emotion.

Lucius stared at August palely, fear now evident in his eyes. "D-DO YOU NOT CARE ABOUT THEM?!!" he asked desperately as he crawled backward.

"No," August replied with an indifferent, cold tone. He then stabbed his spear toward Lucius, killing him once again. And again. And again.



Chapter 82 is done now, how do you guys like the story so far?

By the way, sorry for the late release, was busy yesterday.

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all.

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