Jealousy Jealousy~

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Cr: Yukemiyo
She said she'll do the second and I'll just do the third one🤷🏻‍♀️

Third Person POV

Once everyone went down to eat breakfast Cirrus reminded everyone we had a ritual soon at 7 pm on Saturday. Rain told us all to practice soon for it then we all ate what i made for breakfast and they all enjoyed it.

After they all finished eating and Aurora washed the dishes with Cumulus while the others were just preparing their instruments in the practice room and Sodo with Rain waiting at the porch for Sodo's guitar strings they ordered yesterday. "Argh, I'm getting inpatient Rain?!" Sodo growls making Rain a bit irritated "Stop being stubborn and just be patient.. it'll be here soon, you stubburn Ghoul" Rain wasn't having it this morning, he's usually calm and cooled but we all know someone must've tuned his bass wrong so they could annoy him cuz Rain isn't always like this. But there's a chance Sodo the troublemaker ghoul did it since he was bored and he couldn't smoke.

"Alright alright... I'll wait, jeez" Sodo mocked Rain and he just ignored Sodo's immaturity. Then the two ghouls got startled by a random car honking and Sodo figured it was his new strings so he went up to the car and got what he needed and the two ghouls went inside to fix their instruments like the others and practiced as a whole band and had fun although they had some. "Rain, is your bass tuned wrong?" Cirrus asks him making Rain get a bit embarrassed for it and looked at Sodo with a death stare for not reminding him to tune it back. "You little trouble maker of a ghoul..." Rain mumbles to himself and then tunes his Bass before the whole band restarts the song and they did really well.

Sodo then came up to Swiss to whisper something so they both went out the practice room and went upstairs to go to the balcony. "Something up, Sodo?" Swiss asked Sodo then Sodo sighed before speaking "I officially Quitted smoking" He said proudly to himself making Swiss smile like regular but it seemed more bigger "That's nice, start taking care of yourself Shorty" Swiss made fun of Sodo for being the shortest ghoul causing Sodo to give him a death stare. "Okay okay im sorry" Swiss apologized and they both nudged eachothers shoulder and the two of em laughed for a while before looking behind them to see Cirrus and Phantom acting all lovey dovey so they were basically just stunned since they wouldn't expect them to be together all of the sudden.

"Those two really fit huh, makes me jealous.." Swiss chuckled making Sodo wonder if Swiss liked anyone but he didn't wanna get hurt so he didn't bother asking Swiss because he was a bit embarrassed to ask but then Swiss asked Sodo if he was busy on sunday then Sodo shakes his head making Swiss smile bigger. "Wanna hangout on sunday?" Swiss questions Sodo making Sodo giggle a bit and teased him. "Are you asking me out? Sounds like it~" Sodo made fun of Swiss but then he says he agrees so both of them made their sunday clear.

[Time skip to Sunday]

The two got ready to meet eachother in the park to talk with eachother since it's been a while ever since they've directly interacted with eachother because they had a ritual to perform and all members were really busy with practicing. "Heya idiot!" Sodo suprised Swiss while Swiss was just patiently waiting for Sodo on a bench and got startled by Sodo because he nudged Swiss's head. "Sodo, you startled me." Swiss said in a sarcastic tone as Sodo sits down on the bench next to Swiss. "Eh... Whatever besides you should get used to this already; Happens all the time anyway" Sodo smirked and Swiss just gave Sodo a deadpan expression before sighing and smiling like normal. "You're quite the troublemaker eh?" Swiss sighed and Sodo nods before he spoke with the proudest voice he had. "Well Ofcourse! I'm the amazing Sodomizer; the one and best Ghoul EVER!" Sodo yelled out loud with a big smile causing Swiss to smile like an idiot. "Hah! You couldn't even compare to the great Swiss!" Swiss said outloud and they both had a great time agruing who is better than the other. After a great laugh they were exhausted and they both yawned at the same time but Sodo was a bit delayed and actually yawned after Swiss yawned. "Hey! Did ya know that when two people yawn at the same time they-" Sodo was cut off by Swiss completing the sentence. "Yes i do know, they both have a strong connection with eachother...Am i wrong?" Swiss strikes with a large grin and stood up from the bench. "Why'd you cut off my sentence...Hmph" Sodo stuck out his tongue in irritation and then also stood up from the bench to gently kick Swiss's ankle before he ran away but then felt like he wasn't even moving and looked back to see Swiss holding his shirt. "That's not fair!" Sodo struggled to make Swiss let go of his shirt and Swiss was just giggling at Sodo having a bad day already.

They finally finish their goofy shenanigans and come back to the Ministry, Papa unlocked the gate and they both step in while Cirrus and Cumulus were kissing on the couch which was pretty akward but they

just ignored them having fun and went upstairs to go to their shared room. "Should i turn on the AC?" Swiss asked and Sodo looked at him with a "Are you serious" expression on his face making Swiss realise that Sodo was extremely tired. Swiss turned on the AC while Sodo was laying on his bed then Swiss sat on Sodo's bed making the tension pretty strong and we could say a bit romantic feeling. At some point Swiss and Sodo were just in their room snuggling with eachother while Sodo's breath was heavy and Swiss just smiling as both of their eyes was about to shut. "Good night Shorty" Swiss patted Sodo and kissed his forehead before Sodo could say smth Swiss was already asleep. "Night night Love- i mean Loser" Sodo accidentally spatvout something he wasn't supposed to say but it didn't matter because Swiss was already fast asleep; That was a lie, Swiss was still awake and just faking his sleep before he knew it he felt Sodo's lips on his and heard him say goodnight before Sodo looked away to the wall and Swiss knew it was the best time to smile so he did smile in the most happiest way.

1126 words
Imma like update next week cuz yeah I'm to lazy, also I accidentally fell asleep at Math class earlier only 5 mins good thing out teacher didn't found out, I only got 4 hours of sleep that time, cuz I have to wake up at 3:45 am-

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