"They're early. We had a few more weeks left until--AHHH" Sigyn yelled at the end, a contraction hitting her like a ton of bricks. She hadn't felt this much pain since the last time she was pregnant with her son.

"Damon, you call her mates and then go get towels and warm water" Damon nodded his head, and sped out of the room.

Enzo slowly led the heretic towards her bed, and helped her lay down. Sigyn let out another yell, her hand clenching tightly onto Enzo's.

"It's alright, gorgeous. They'll be here soon, but right now i need you to take some deep breathes for me. Can you do that?" Sigyn looked up at Enzo, doing as he said. The pain had lessened, but was still somewhat there.

Damon was zipping around the house getting everything that was needed, after he tried calling the Mikaelson's neither of them were answering, but he made sure to leave heaps of messages. Speeding back up to the room, Damon placed everything down and sat himself on the other side of Sigyn.

"Are they on their way?" Sigyn breathed out, sweat now dripping down her forehead.

"Um yeah, they'll be here soon" He answered nervously, looking to Enzo who gave him a nervous look.

Another contraction hit Sigyn, making her yell out and squeeze their hands tightly. The blonde then grasped the front of Damon's shirt, pulling him to face her.

"Do not lie to me, Damon Salvatore. Where are my mates?" She hissed, glaring at the blue eyed vampire.

"I'll--I'll call them right now" He stammered, getting up from the bed to call them again. Enzo moved to place a large towel over Sigyn lower half, and then moved to shift her pillows so she was sitting up more.

"I know that you'd rather have your mates here to help you, but it seems your babies want to come out quickly. So, I'm going to have to help deliver them" Enzo explained nervously, not wanting to push the woman if she was uncomfortable with it.

"It's fine. I don't care, just help me get these babies out" She groaned loudly in pain.

Sigyn felt like her insides were trying to come out of her body, she was in so much pain. Soon Damon came back, immediately going to Sigyn's side and grabbed her hand which she squeezed instantly.

"I finally got hold of them. They're on their way, Siggy" He said, making Sigyn show a pain filled smile.

"Alright, darling. You need to start pushing right now" Enzo spoke up. Sigyn's eyes widened as she looked to the vampire before her.

"I-I can't. They're not here yet. They need to be here" She cried as the pain got worse with each second.

But just as she said that, the bedroom door slammed open and all four of her mates filed into the room, all of them wearing looks of panic. Elijah and Finn sat on either side of their mate, while Kol and Klaus grabbed hold of her legs.

"Where the hell were you!!" She yelled, her grip on their hands was so tight that their bones cracked slightly.

"We're sorry, Elskan. We got caught up, but we're here now" Elijah said softly, wiping away sweaty blonde strands of hair from her head.

"Okay, you need to push now" Enzo ordered gently. Sigyn whimpered, but leant forward with the help of Finn and Elijah and let out a loud scream.

"Bloody hell, i can see the head" Kol exclaimed, his brown eyes nearly bulging out of his head. His mate ended up kneeing him in the chest, making him quickly apologise as he went back to holding onto her leg.

"Fucking hell! I don't remember it being this bloody painful!!" Sigyn screamed, hunching forward again as she felt another wave of pain flow through her body.

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