chapter 2: stupid piece of shit

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A few weeks later, everyone at I.M.P and stolas found out about the Autobots and now things are starting to get more complicated around the base.

Miko: so, blitz, have you always been a hitman?

Blitz: no, not always.  I was in the circus for a long time.

Miko: the circus?

Blitz: yeah, I was born to a family of circus clowns.

Ratchet: guess the circus was failing because none of the jokes you say are not funny.

Circuitjack: none of us get the comedy of Earth.

Bulkhead: that joke wasn't funny either.

Blitz: I'm gonna go get a beer.

After blitz left the room everyone else finally came back because none of them wanted to be around blitz.

Millie: I just don't understand why you guys don't like blitz, he's a nice guy.

Arcee: yeah, the person who makes sex jokes every ten seconds is a nice guy.

Ratchet: that's just gross.

Jack: yeah, I have to agree with Ratchet.  I know.

The scene then cuts to a flashback with blitz and Jack.

Blitz: yeah, don't fuck this Sierra if she barely even knows who the fuck you are.

Jack: I just don't see the harm in bringing one little condom.

Blitz: and one little bottle of spermicidal lube?

Jack: yeah, one little bottle of spermicidal lube

Blitz: that's psycho shit.  That's Jeffery Dahmer shit.

Jack: no, it's not.

Blitz: do you think Sierra's gonna be excited you bought a bottle of lube?  "Oh, Jack, thank you for bringing that lube for my pussy.  I never would been able to handle your fucking 4 inch dick inside my pussy without that gigantic bottle of lube."

Jack: Jesus!

Blitz: she's the fuckin' same age as you.  She's not a dried up old lady.  She's good to go.

Jack: fine, if it ever happens then I won't bring the lube.

The scene then cuts back to everyone staring at Jack being like what the fuck after hearing what Jack said.

Smokescreen: is it wrong for me to agree with blitz?

Moxxie: yes, it is.

Miko: I mean in case I have to agree with blitz.  I mean, spermicidal lube?  That's Michael Myers shit.

Jack: it's not crazy.

Caddy: it is when you literally replace the hom in homicide with the word sperm.

Circuitjack: I don't even know what any of those things are.

Bumblebee: no one knows what they are.

Stolas: oh my Satan.

Raf: has anyone seen Felicity.

Stolas: she must've overslept.

The scene then cuts to Felicity in her bed looking tired as hell while that one voice in everybody's head is saying....

Felicity: *internally* piece of shit.  You stupid piece of shit.  But I know I'm a piece of shit, so that at least makes me different from any other pieces of shit that don't know they're a piece of shit.  Get the fuck out of bed.  *gets out of bed* You piece of shit, go have lunch, you already missed breakfast.

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