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“I see our little Angel is still here.” 

Felix turned around and saw his Gumiho friend, Minho, slowly walking over to them. 

“Minho? What are you doing here?” Felix asks, delightfully confused. 

Jisung, the Deity of the lake, made a gesture of greeting towards the other, in which Minho returned.

“I'm here to pay a visit to the lake entity.” 

“Minho, I already told you not to call me that. That is so disrespectful.” Jisung berated, while Felix played with the Deity's long white hair, making braids and styling.

The Gumiho grinned. “And what are you going to do about it?”

Jisung made a huge amount of water splash towards Minho, which surprised the Gumiho as he suddenly became dripping wet with water from the lake.

Minho groaned. “I forgot you can do that.”

The Angel laughed as Jisung smirks. 

Initially, the Gumiho was perceived as someone intimidating, and often very aggressive that no one dares to kid around him, though Felix supposed a millennium long friendship has its perks.

Jisung is the only one who could do that thing and get away with it.

“Stop laughing, you cheeky Angel, and go home.” Minho looks at Felix, still trying to wring some water from his clothes.

“I don't want to. There's nothing for me to do back at the mansion.” Felix denied stubbornly.

“He's right, Lix. You should go home.” Jisung backs the other.

“I could smell a rotten leech.”

At the implication of Minho's words, Felix immediately shot up to his feet, suddenly all excited. “I'll see you both later!” He quickly waved his hand, before rushing off the scene to get back home as fast as he could with a huge smile across his face.

“Hyunjin?” Felix asked reluctantly as he slowly came closer to the man standing over the railings. “I didn't know you were already awake?” 

The explanation was, Hyunjin was either asleep or out for a mission that Felix would almost always be left alone in the old mansion. 

Since Hyunjin saved him from humans that night, he had been living with the Vampire, who never bothered to hide his dislike towards him.

How anyone could be polite towards someone they don't like is beyond Felix, but Hyunjin was nice to him… somehow. He was never rude to him, nor did he ever make Felix uncomfortable. He says what he wants to say without much consideration of upsetting the Angel, but at the same time, he says it so calmly, even gently, that it was hard for Felix to even get there.

There's something in Felix that Hyunjin doesn't seem to like, and being the stubborn little heaven sent that he is, Felix wanted to know what it was. Maybe he could try to fix it, so they could get along better.

Felix hasn't left for two reasons, first is the one he mentioned, second is that he really didn't have anywhere else to go. He can't go back yet, it's not yet the right time.

He told Hyunjin this, and the Vampire could only sigh about it. 

In more than a century that Felix lived in the vampire's old mansion, he could only count in both hands the actual times that they spoke with each other. The angel spent his time in boredom, reading books and learning new things, if not spending his time mostly in the gardens, tending to the lovely flowers and getting some sunlight.

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