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Felix ran for his life.

He trudged through the forest, desperately trying to cover the massive wound on his upper arm with his other hand to stop the bleeding.

His body aches, littered with bruises. There was also a crack on his lips, a faint slit on his throat, and it was so tiring for him to drag his wings that were also broken from how many times the humans attempted to rip it off of him.

His ability to heal himself has gone past its limit, and could no longer help him to close up even the smallest wound.

But the angel persisted. He knew if he stopped now, he'd be dead as soon as the humans caught up to him. They will finally tear up his wings, and put it up at the King's castle, like some kind of a sick reward from their fiendish desire, and a luxury display of their egregious greed. They would have, had he not found a way to escape.

He'd been wandering around the forest for some time, almost dragging his feet to keep on, as he couldn't risk being caught. As an angel, his wings are the most esteemed possession that he has. Losing it is like losing the key to his home, except it could never be replaced, and he won't ever be able to step foot in heaven ever again.

“More, Felix, you can still go.” He gritted his teeth, as he tried to push himself to go further.

His sight is already getting blurry, his body growing tired with every step he takes. His wings felt a lot heavier, and he's probably leaving a trail made of blood that is in the colour of white, that might be enough to give him away to the town's people or to other predators.

People from everywhere around the Kingdom had been particularly avoidant of this area, afraid to test their fate by not believing the lores that had been surrounding the forest, that's why he chose to go there in the first place.

But why are they exceptionally persistent? Felix was no more than a little deeper in the forest, but he could still hear them. Their yells, the barking of dogs, the sound of the wind whispering to him to get going.

They're coming closer, and the angel's steps are coming shorter, becoming more painful.

He heaves out a heavy breath, every puff of his chest growing shorter, a lot ragged.

As soon as he passed the border, signifying the change of territory, Felix's body immediately collapsed. He face-planted onto the muddy ground, unable to move his feet anymore.

He felt his consciousness slowly slipping away, but his ears were still able to catch the sound of danger, this time, coming from inside the forest.

The angel caught a glimpse of light… bright. A pair of sharp-shaped lights that blinked at him too bright. Red, and they hid in the dark, under the shadows of the unknown that surrounded the forest.


Is that the monster that everyone in town had been talking about? They always said that this forest had been a home for numerous different beasts. Is Felix still going to die anyway?

If that really was the case… then he's okay with it. At least if this monster ate him, Felix would pass without further humiliation that he'd been receiving from the humans since they've become aware of what he really was, and before they took such dark interest in his kind.

It kept coming closer and closer, but Felix still couldn't make out what it was.

The closer the eyes got to him, the more relieved he felt.

He hopes it will be a painless death.

He hoped it would feel like coming home.

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