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“Hyunnie, what's taking you so long?”

“Just keep still for me, Angel. It's almost done.”

Felix obliged and kept still, holding the same position he had been in all morning. They're by the gardens, Felix was seated in the middle of the flowers, holding some red roses that Hyunjin already removed the thorns of. Felix had been lying down with his wings spread behind his back, his eyes closed, seemingly asleep.

They were just out for a stroll, like how they have been doing since, when Hyunjin suddenly took out papers and paint brushes, and decided he would want to make a portrait of him.

“Okay, it's done. Come here.”

Felix opens his eyes, pushing himself up to go to where Hyunjin was. He looped his arms around Hyunjin's neck from his back, resting his head on the other's shoulder while looking at the portrait of him.

The Angel let out a sound of amazement. Seeing himself in the guise of unfading lines, and lively coloured strokes… it's just wonderful. Hyunjin painted him so well, it's almost like he was alive on that canvas.

“You like it?” Hyunjin pulled Felix over, and situated him on his lap instead.

“It looks so beautiful…” 

“Why are you crying?” Hyunjin smiles, cupping his face.

He didn't even realize it himself, but he did already start crying.

“I don't know.” Felix wraps his arms around Hyunjin, burying his face in the other's neck. “I'm just scared… I don't want to go back.”

Leaving hurts. He didn't want to go.

“Don't be.” Hyunjin pushed him away slightly by the shoulder, allowing the blue to meet red. “I will wait for you.”

“Hyunnie, please, I'd rather you –”

“I will wait for you for a hundred years, millions, until all the stars burst, and the world falls apart. It doesn't matter.” Hyunjin kisses his forehead. “So don't frown, my love.”

“But how can I possibly leave you all alone?” Felix cries harder. “What if I fail to find a way to go back?”

“Then you don't have to.” Hyunjin gently wipes away Felix's tears. “Just knowing that someone as beautiful as you once walked into my life is enough for me.”


“Don't be afraid to leave, Angel, as you'll always have me where you left me.” How could the deadliest red be such a comforting colour? “I may not give you my heart as it was dead long ago, but my soul is with you, like every piece of me.”

Unable to say anything, Felix pushed forward and kissed Hyunjin. He needed it.

He was hoping Hyunjin would understand his grief, his uncertainty, his undying love.

And it seems like Hyunjin did, as the Vampire deepened the kiss. Then he moves away, his reds meeting Felix's blues once again.

“Should we marry, Angel?”

And Felix cries again, even harder than he had ever cried before.

The wedding will not be recognized by the heavens, nor anyone for that matter. That much they know.

It will only be special for him and Hyunjin, but they were happy. Felix felt placed as he said his vows and kissed Hyunjin before the Heavens, under the sunniest skies, promising his love even through the uncertainty of the future.

He was content, and so was Hyunjin.

“Careful, love.” Hyunjin laid him carefully onto the bed.

“Call me by my name, Hyunjin.”

Hyunjin smiles, kissing the tip of his nose.

“Felix… my Angel.”


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