Reawakened Fear

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I CAN'T BELIEVE I LET THAT STUPID IDIOT GO SO EASILY! He had planned out everything and I somehow didn't expect anything! I know he is going to tell his parents and the police about what happened which means it seems I have to give up on killing this one boy and kill another one stupider than Mark ever was.
One day I'll circle back to him. But for now, I need to start running away from here and change my name, with my dad and mom both dead I should be good on my own. 
Mark eventually will be lying dead somewhere with his entire body gutted, but just not today.
I have 1 more ex I need to take care of.

                                                                            **4 MONTHS LATER**


It has been 4 months and now it seems I have wiped out most of the boys at my new high school I go to in New York halfway across the country. I killed 1 of my exes and I've killed many other boys since, also, several missing posters were all over the city and people were wondering where they were, lying in a puddle of their own blood thats where they are.
But I couldn't tell them that. I don't know how Mark is doing probably cheating on someone like he always does my lust to track him down again grows bigger every day since he escaped. And it seems it had been enough time for him to forget. And then I thought, "What if I just kill him?" It would be much easier and it seems he's already been through enough torture. And then I remembered there is no backing out of this and that all men and boys are evil and must die!


I have moved away after what happened to New Jersey so that if Jessica were alive she wouldn't find me anywhere. I have been going to therapy trying to get rid of my trauma and leave it in the past and have been getting far with it, I know I can't run from her forever which is why I came prepared with a knife under my bed every night when I'm sleeping so that if Jessica wants to come for me again Ill just kill her.


Now I wanted to wipe Mark off the face of the earth but first I'd have to find him. I go to the internet and search for his name and I find him he is living in a house in New Jersey. He obviously moved because of me and now I know his new address and now it's time to put the plan into action. I sneak into his bedrooms avoiding all the tripwire traps he placed around his room, I saw a knife under his bed and I grabbed it, if I kill him now his parents will find the body but if I take him and lock him in the basement the police will think I did something and am still alive. But I love torture more. He woke up and immediately tried looking for the knife but I stuck a sharp poisonous needle in his arm, I watch the terror from his face drain and he was knocked unconscious. And soon enough he is in the basement again locked away in my apartment in New York that I got from Craigslist. 

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