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 Outside the murder house of Jessica's house goes a disturbing mystery, no one knows where he is not even his family Jessica had left a suicide note for the police that he was forced to write by Jessica or she claimed she would gut him until he stopped breathing. The note said: "Dear friends and family I am sorry it had to end like this I know I may not have seemed depressed on the outside I know I seemed pretty happy but all that was an act to hide the depression that was truly lying underneath me. This is why I know I need to end my life right now it seems like the best option and it's something ill do after writing this and sending it in I'll run away then I'll take a knife and slit my own throat with it. I don't need to explain how my life sucks because even if I did nothing could change it im better off gone from the earth I know ill miss you all but you won't miss me at all and you won't find my body anywhere it's in a spot I haven't even told my best friends about. It's a place no one goes Im sorry it had to end this way." 
As the main detective on this case read this note he felt something off about this note like there was foul play involved. 
"Is something wrong?" the chief of police (Tom) asked Ben. 
"It's nothing it's just that, can you find out the victim's handwriting," Ben said.
"Of course, why?" Tom asked.
"I just suspect something, this note just doesn't feel right" 
"Are you saying there could be possible foul play?"
"Well yes, it seems that this note doesn't look at all like a 14-year-old boy who was suicidal would write it sounds so forced here"
"Are you seriously suggesting someone kidnapped the boy?" The chief asked surprised. 
"Yes, indeed I am,"
"Thats insane and impossible!" he yelled.
"It seems impossible but if you look more into it it looks more forced than real, I'm gonna need about all your men to go find all his peers, friends, teachers, family even ex-girlfriends.
He sighed. "Ok, fine I guess we'll interrogate some people anyone you have in mind?" he said.
"As a matter of fact, I do think maybe one of his ex-loved ones took him hostage maybe for revenge or maybe for the kidnapper to get closer with the victim. The only known girlfriends Mark has had are Jessica and Ashley. Jessica is 14 and Ashley is 15. Ashley being his current girlfriend we found her dead body near the school. She had apparently killed herself, poor girl must have been so sad about Mark's supposed suicide she decided to end things as well."
"What about the other girl Jessica?" the chief asked.
"Right, Jessica was a girl he dated right before Ashley indicating maybe he had wanted out of the relationship with Jessica maybe even cheated, this would of course be a revenge plan and we know it can't be Ashley so for right now Jessica is our top suspect she has motive and everything,"
"So how do we find her?" the chief asked.
"She lives in a house secluded deep in the woods perfect place for a murder house if you ask me."
"Sir, do you really think a 14-year-old girl is smart enough to commit a kidnapping?"
"I have no idea, but right now this is our only lead so far and we need to keep trailing it, I'll handle the interrogation and you can watch me on cams in case anything bad happens to me,"

**2 hours later**

Detective Tom arrived at the seemingly innocent house of Jessica Tyler and her mother. And so when no one answered the knock Tom left but soon Merilyn Tyler (Jessica's mother) came out.
"Hey is there anything I could do for you Mr? 
"Uh I'm here to interrogate your daughter, Jessica, we believe that she-"
"My daughter did nothing wrong! Your just a dumb man who just wants to accuse a random girl for nothing!"
"That isn't what I'm doing all I want is to interrogate your daughter she is a main part of this investigation in a way you'll be helping the men working on this job," I said.
"I hate men!" she yelled
She hates men? There was once a case where a misogynistic killer was on the loose but we never found who it was. Could this woman or even maybe her daughter have killed all those innocent men and boys? And could that case be related to Mark's death somehow? There was only one way to find out: convince her.
"Well, you won't just be helping men you'll also be helping women."
"Ok come in," Ms. Tyler said.
"Shes downstairs in the basement doing whatever teens are doing nowadays,"
The detective started walking downstairs.
He started getting a strange feeling and then he heard a shot there was a bullet lodged right in his heart he saw the blood come out and then fell dead.
Ms. Tyler dragged his body down to the basement.
She wasn't gonna let anyone figure out what her daughter was up to. 


I was in excruciating pain after what had happened my genitals were so numb I couldn't even feel them at all. Jessica hadn't come down in a while so she could buy some extra torture devices for me. "Yay," I said sarcastically to myself. Her absence from the basement was on one hand a good thing but on the other, I had no idea what she was planning next for me. I was missing her and happy she was gone at the same time. I thought about just escaping but I know Jessica planted cameras in here. Maybe thats what she's doing, stalking me through the cameras. I was her helpless victim and no one even knew I was here except for her. And she wasn't going to let me go anytime soon. Then I heard a bullet, it exploded through the halls and shocked my ears, I then heard someone's body fall to the floor and then a dragging sound coming closer and closer and then I saw a woman emerge from the door to the basement, it was Ms. Tyler. Thank god! "Ms. Tyler it's me please get me out of here your daughter has gone psychotic!" She stopped, looked at me, and then I realized my mistake.
"You deserve this," she said with virtually no emotion at all.
"Your both real nutcases you know that?"
"What did you just say to me?" she said this time showing a little bit of anger.
"Nothing," I said out of fear
She calmed down. 
And she left the room. 
I thought that it was over and then Ms. Tyler and Jessica both came down together.
Jessica went into the closet and got out the box filled with body parts, organs, and even more disgusting, hearts. 
She dragged the hearts towards me.
She gave me a sledgehammer.
"I want you to smash every heart, organ, or body part you see in that box," Jessica said.
"W-what," I said.
"Go ahead, If you don't my mother has a gun I'm sure you won't like if she shoots you,"
I thought what if I just swung it at her head but that wouldn't work due to her mom being in the room so I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and swung at the hearts, suddenly the blood exploded out of the parts and it was disgusting it almost made me cry. And soon enough every one of the parts was destroyed in a messy, bloody mess.
"NOW DRINK IT!" Jessica yelled.
"I didn't want to fight her on this but I knew there was only one way out.
So I drank it I drank it all it was gross but I decided to just do it and it was gross. 
I threw up.
"Now that was good wasn't it," Jessica said. 
And then Jessica did something shocking, she took out her gun and shot her own mother in the heart.
"Jessica why?"
"Im gonna do this on my own Mom and I'm gonna make you proud,"
She died.
And then I realized this was my one shot to kill her, I grabbed the sledgehammer and swung it towards Jessica's neck but before I could do that she injected me with a syringe and I blacked out after that.

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