ten| overthinking

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I sat in the Astronomy tower, a bag of crisps in my lap while staring into the night sky

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I sat in the Astronomy tower, a bag of crisps in my lap while staring into the night sky. I was enjoying the peace and quiet, knowing most of the world was asleep right now.

Naturally, that didn't last long before two people stumbled into the tower. Both panting, their hands on each other's body while backing up into a wall. I cringed at the sight, even I have a little decency when it comes to private matters.

Deciding I didn't want a free show, I grabbed my stuff and walked away, not sparing a glance towards the couple as they started taking each other's clothes off.

People, I swear.

I made sure to avoid Filch at any cost, even hiding in a few broom closets when I thought I heard his footsteps or Mrs Norris. I really don't fancy a detention with him, he's weird and makes very strange comments to himself. He also talks to his cat like she was a human... it's bizarre.

As I rounded the corner to reach the moving stairs, I heard a few murmurs from the paintings.

That's weird, they're usually asleep at 2am.

"Have you seen the kids of the Sacred 28? They're as despicable as their parents." One painting said, scoffing in disbelief as I frowned.

Were they talking about Theo, Draco and Pansy?

"The Malfoy boy and Parkinson girl are to be betrothed-" Another painting stated as I tried not to gasp. I knew pureblood families had this tradition of keeping everything pure - and by any means possible - but to betroth kids is crazy.

"And that Nott boy is just like his father."
"A womanizer."
"A philander."

The paintings added one synonyms after the other as I walked faster to the Gryffindor common room.

"...broom closet with a ravenclaw..."
"no.... hufflepuff..."
"prefect bathroom..."

I couldn't listen to the paintings anymore, they were starting to fuck with my head and my view on my friendship with Theo.

I know there was attraction between us - at least on my part there is. What does it mean for him? Does he feel that attraction too? Or am I crazy?

He does flirt with me, right?


The delusions are real. I need to get laid, and put some distance between Theo and I.

"D? What are you doing still up?" Harry questioned as I entered the common room, his glasses on the tip of his nose while his hair was slightly disheveled - but what's new?

"What are you doing up?" I questioned back.

The boy held up his potion's book as I raised an impressed eyebrow. He was never the type to stay up to write an essay, or even do his homework.

"Who are you trying to impress, Harold?"

"How dare you! What if I just want to be good in potions, huh? Ever thought of that?" He sassed me, scoffing in disbelief and looking utterly betrayed by my assumption.

"Oh, sweet child of mine..." I mumbled, hovering over his potion's book that had Cho doodled in hearts along with Cho Potter and Harry Chang surrounded by stars and hearts.

"Hey! That's private!" He whisper-shouted while jumping across the couch and tackling me to the ground. His whole body laying on top of me had me gasping for air, trying to knee him off of me.

"Merlin's balls, you're heavy."

"It's pure muscle, baby." Harry stated with a smirk as I glared at him before giving him a hard shove. His body fell next to mine in a loud thud, his glasses looking crooked on his nose as I shook my head.

"Pretty sure it's just your overly inflated ego."

"Calling me fat headed, D?"

"Me? I would never." I said in a teasing manner causing Harry to lift himself up on his forearms and look at me with a crooked smile.

"You do realize she's in a relationship, huh? Not to burst your little bubble..."

"I know, can't you make Diggory fall in love with you again?" He questioned while I glared at him.

"Why does everyone think Cedric and I were dating?"

Standing up, I began making my way towards the girl's dormitory before a hand grabbed my wrist. I knew it was Harry since his hands were always hot. It made me think of the contrast between his and Theo's hands- enough, Dalia!

He's probably using you...

"Why're you so defensive about it? You've never cared what people said about your past relationships..."


"... or what people said about us. So why do you care about Diggory?"

Why did I actually care?

"I've had my fair share of people saying and assuming things about me. I guess I don't want my friends to start believing those lies either."

"Awee, I'm your friend?" Harry said in a teasing tone as I shoved him off of me and ran upstairs. Not because I was embarrassed but because I knew he would try to catch me and-


The boy yelled, sliding down the, now, smooth stairs as I bursted out laughing. The stairs turn into a slide if a guy puts their foot on it. I had to find out the hard way when I tried to sneak Adrian in my dorm.

"Night night, Potter."

"Fuck you, D!"

"You already did, babe."

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