four| potions

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cedric is in the same year as the golden trio.
the weasley twins only have a year difference
with ron instead of two. enjoy :)

 enjoy :)

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She said with a dazzling smile before shoving a piece of toast covered in raspberry jam in her mouth and filling her cup with orange juice.

Dalia Ackles.

She loosely wore her red and gold tie around her neck, three buttons undone - exposing her dark skin that seemed to glow - along with a skirt that was way too short for her and a robe that did little to hide the curves of her body.

"How many N.E.W.T's are you taking?" Blaise questioned, linking his arm with hers as I clenched my jaw, my eyes lowering to the ground while they kept walking in front of me.

"Eight... which frankly seems like the worst idea I've ever had- and I tried to flirt with Snape to get out of detention." She mumbled the last part out as a smile tugged on my lips.

"Eight? Are you fucking crazy? I only took five." Draco stated with frowned eyebrows.

In our friend group, he's definitely the most scholarly. He likes learning and getting good grades, though if anyone asked then he'd deny it.

"What did you take?" Pansy asked, her hand intertwined with Draco's as they exchanged subtle looks of admiration.

You'd assume they weren't together if you looked at how they acted in front of everyone but in private, you'd think they were each other's salvation. She was enamoured by him but he was down right infatuated.

I always wanted something close to what they have.

"DADA, Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Arithmancy, Charms, Runes and Alchemy." She recited, glancing every so often at her timetable.

She had most classes with me which would surely make Blaise a bit jealous. Not that I necessarily care about what he thinks in regards of Dalia Ackles.

"Runes? Alchemy? Arithmancy?" Matteo echoed as if we were deaf. Lorenzo gave him a deadpanned look before shaking his head.

"He's a bit stupid, you'll have to excuse him, love."

Love? Who the fuck does he think he is?

For some reason Enzo's words echoed in my head, making me stop walking as everyone looked at me with weird expressions. Dalia Ackles stared at me, her big golden brown eyes looking into mine, a small frown on her face while her lips were gently pouted.

My heartbeat quickened when the sun shone on them, making them sparkle under the rays of sunshine. Her dark skin contrasting against the white blouse, the three buttons teasing anyone who dared to look at her.

"You okay, Theodore?" She asked me, her voice silky smooth and melodious filling my ears as my legs almost gave out from under me.

Her hand, clad in different gold rings, laid on top of my arm. The warmth of her palm heating my always cold body in such ways that had me close my eyes to enjoy her touch.

"It's just Theo." I whispered to her, opening my eyes just in time to see her smile at me. The slight gap between her two front teeth had me smiling before remembering the others were staring at me.

"Hey, I saw her first! Back off my girl." Matteo teased with a shit-eating grin before kissing her chubby cheeks and taking her hand in his. The loss of contact had my heart beating quicker as my own hand wanted to grab her just to touch her again.

Wanting to feel her touch again.

"I don't really date from the same family." She stated with an equally big shit-eating grin before grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the potions class.

"You fucked my brother?!" Matteo shouted as I tried not to think of her in bed with Tom. How he got to touch every inch of her body, exploring her with his hands, his mouth, his tongue. How he had her in his bed, held her close to him.

Did he treat her right? Did she like him? Did she love him? Did he make her happy? Did she talk about a future with him?

Questions jumbled in my brain, I could barely register them when I felt a squeeze on my bicep. I glanced down at the girl holding my arm, her Afro shielding her face from me until she looked up.

We had a difference of several inches, my head could easily rest on her head while she barely reached my shoulder. It was cute how small she was.

"Hi Theo." Dalia Ackles said once we were somewhat far from the group, or at least far enough so that they wouldn't hear us.

"Hi Dalia." I answered back, my back straight as I glared at everyone who dared to look at her.

"How tall are you? I might need to invest in a new pair of heels if we keep hanging out."

Hanging out? We? Us? Together?

"I'm 6'3, darling."

The pet name rolling off my tongue before I could even process what I had fully said. The girl - woman? - stared at me with wide eyes before looking away. I'm not sure how I knew that she was blushing but I knew... and that alone had my ears turning pink and my stomach tightening.

I made her blush.

"Doesn't it get annoying always having to look down at people when you speak with them?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I said with a small smirk as Dalia rolled her eyes at me. She was still holding onto me, her red manicured nails contrasting against my robe, as I pictured them on my pale skin.

"I like your nails." I stated, her eyes sparkling even in the darkness of the dungeons. She looked at me with a newly found excitement that had my stomach do backflips and my heart beating faster.

"Thank you. I wanted to do them green but I ran out of polish during the summer-" She started while placing her hands in front of my face, showing me every intricate details on it.

She had hearts on her middle finger, each of them seemed more perfect then the other. It took a lot of self restraint not to grab her hand and keep it in front of me so that I could admire her work.

She's talented.

"I think there's a beauty story in Hogsmeade, not too far from The Three Broomsticks." I mumbled, keeping in mind how her smile widened when I complimented her nails.

"Really? I might have to check it out. Thanks, Theo." Dalia said before we finally entered the potions class, everyone already sitting down except for us.

"Hey, Theo... wanna be partners?"

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