Chapter 28

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We watch over our now 14 years old daughter enjoying her night. Claude looks seems to be lost. The twins are talking with Felix and I look at the twins and see Rhaenys has a small plate of cake and Rhaegar just finish his cookie with a stoic blank look which reminds me so much of Claude.

"Mom, pick me up. I'm tired standing," said Rhaenys as she gives her small plate to Felix before asking me to pick her up. I chuckle and pick her up, "Aren't you having fun with this party, Rhaenys?"

"Hmm... It is good and so magnificent... Am I going to have this kind of debutante ball too?" ask Rhaenys with sparkling jeweled blue eyes.

Before I reply, Claude cut in.

"You still have long time, perhaps next time you reach that age, you will say no to debutante ball such as this. This kind of party is troublesome..." he said as he carries Rhaegar who nods with his eyes close agreeing.

"This kind of party is too noisy. I don't like those women who squeal and giggling talking about dresses." Said Rhaegar.

I was flabbergasted. What else did Claude teach our son when I am not around?!

"Before you say anything, Mimi... I said it again, our Rhaegar is just as smart as me. He knows the truth..." Claude said.

Before I was about to retort, Rhaenys squeal as she paused eating the cake.

"Mom! Mom! Look, a handsome silver haired Prince ask sister Athy for a dance! They look so adorable!" Rhaenys said.

I wince when suddenly I take notice of Claude and Rhaegar's aura become like a blazing fire and a deadly fiery glare starring straight at Athanasia and the young man which I know is Izekiel Alpheus, Duke Alpheus' son.

"Oopsie..." Rhaenys said blankly with a flat look staring at Claude and Rhaegar while she continues eating her cake. I sweatdrop, I have a feeling that Rhaenys did not regret any of her slip ups. I never know my daughter could be like a little troublemaker of a devil like this.

"I would not allow a little dog like him to touch or get close to my sister! I shall freeze him!" Said Rhaegar huffing and jump down from Claude's arm ready to stride and cut them and his magic mana has start to flare a bit and his little fist has frost and it become colder around Rhaegar.


"N-now... Your Highness, My Prince... I don't think the Princess will appreciate His Highness doing something so harsh." Felix said immediately smiling, sweatdrop and pick up Rhaegar who has start to struggle and move his small body, flailing on Felix's hold while muttering promise to freeze Izekiel over and over again.

So Rhaegar is that tsundere and overprotective little brother. I sweatdrop before I look to see Claude turn around and leave.

"Claude..." I call him softly, he stops and turn around at me with still cold look.


Claude continues leaving and I look at his retreated figure before let out a weak small smile. Despite Claude wants to go there and stop Athanasia from dancing with Ijekiel, he respects that today is his daughter's special day.

Oh Claude... Look how far you've changed from a tyrant to always think first if it involving your daughter's happiness. I smile and chuckle seeing how Felix having some trouble to calm down Rhaegar and Rhaenys being Rhaenys... She just edged on Rhaegar with her flat face.

Athanasia... I look at my step daughter who still dancing with Ijekiel and smile. You have so many people who love you and I am happy you are happy.


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