Chapter 23

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(Mimi's outfits above) 

It is now the day of presentation banquet for the twins. Cesar, Pollux are coming. They are going to representing my side of family as well as the delegate from the Kingdom of Stella. My siblings were all playing around with the twins while waiting for their entrance and the presentation. 

"Your Majesty, His Majesty has been waiting for you with Princess Athanasia and the twins," says Gracie.

"Thank you, Gracie, ... We should go then."

With that at the parlor of Empress Palace, there standing my family and they look amazing as always.

"Wahhh Mama! You look pretty," says Rhaenys as she run to me and I hold her.

"Now Rhaenys, you're not supposed to run. We don't want you to get hurt or ruin that beautiful dress, right?" I ask and she immediately return her posture and bow.

"My apology, Mama... I will be careful from now on," she says.

I smile and then pick her up which she hug me back and Rhaegar approach, "Mama... You look pretty, I have an Iris for you. Daddy said that Iris is your favorite flower, so me and Dad pick one before we heading to your palace," Rhaegar said.

There on Rhaegar's hand is a white Iris flower and I smile, "Thank you my dear little star prince. Mommy will cherish it."

"Mommy, you look so pretty," Athy said as she approaches and I kiss her on the cheek, "Thank you my sweet little star. You look prettier than me," I say to her.

She smiles and hug me lightly and I hug her back. I look at Claude who was looking as handsome as always standing before me. His jeweled blue eyes who seem always so cold and stoic, now it fills with warmth and he look even more handsome. Rhaenys go to Athy and ask her to carry her, while Rhaegar standing beside them and holding Athy's hand.

Claude approach, he offers his hand and I give mine to him before he kisses on my knuckle while slightly bend down, "You look beautiful, My Empress."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. You look handsome too, my love."

"Excuse me, Your Majesties, Your Highnesses, the carriage is ready," announce Felix.

"Well then, shall we go everyone?" I ask.

"Certainly..." Claude answers.

He being a gentleman as he is, after seeing all of his children already settled inside the carriage, he helps me up and entering the carriage. I sit down beside him while the twins along with Athy across of us. It was a pleasant ride fill with excitement chatter from the twins and laughs from Athy. Claude does not talk much in the carriage, but he did smile gently at his children time by time, the children just to engrossed to one another that they did not notice.

I am happy with the family we have now, and I am glad that my sweet, kind and gentle Claude has return. I plant a kiss on his cheeks suddenly and his eyes turn to look at me before I smile and wink. I swear I could see a faint blush on his cheeks after before he takes and hold my hand throughout the whole ride.

We have arrived at the banquet hall palace. Me and Claude each carry the twins, I carry Rhaegar while Claude carry Rhaenys and Athy stand beside Claude with smile.

"Presenting, His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia, Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Lucélia Mimi de Alger Obelia, the royal stars of Obelia Empire, the 1st star, Princess Athanasia de Alger Obelia, the 2nd star, Prince Arcturus Rhaegar de Alger Obelia and the third star, 2nd Princess, Princess Aetheria Rhaenys de Alger Obelia..."

All the guest bow down, "Blessing and Glory upon the Obelian Empire..."

We walked to the end of Banquet Hall where our thrones are situated. We could hear people whispers about how cute the twins are, how beautiful Princess Athanasia, Princess Rhaenys and how Prince Rhaegar will be a very handsome prince and future sun of Obelia Empire like his father. I am proud with my family and all of the Obelia people because they are very welcoming towards the twins and especially Athanasia.

Empress of Obelian Empire: His Star Empress (Claude x OC)Where stories live. Discover now