2. Therapy Shmerapy, No Big Deal

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September 4th, 2019
7:02 AM

24/7 Ye Olde Magick Shoppe

   Watford classes begin for young mages at six years old and are mandatory until Eighth Year. The Ninth - Thirteen Year is optional but is a prerequisite for Mages who want to further their knowledge of magic by going to a Grad Magic School... and any Mage who goes there.

   Any Year above Seventh Year can leave the campus whenever they want. The town of Watford is a town that is very ancient but mainly for the normal. There is a shop for the normals who want to be entertainment magicians, but the owner has an underground shop for Mages.

   "Ah, Young Mr. Snow... I have been waiting for you to visit for quite some time," A man behind the counter smiled when he walked in. The man looked to be around his forties and smelled like nothing Simon had ever encountered.

   "I'm sorry, have we met?" Simon asked him, honestly unsure. As the Heir of the Mage, he had met countless witches and wizards from functions he was brought to.

   "No, you're just famous in the World of Mages... hell, the entire Supernatural World," he smiled, "Balthazar," The owner extended a hand for Simon to shake.

   "Oh..." Simon forced a chuckle, shaking his hand. "I um... I was hoping to see the crystals and stones?" Simon asked him. Crystals were a fad that was going around Watford. Some could be used to help your moods and emotions. Others could be paired to enhance your magic. If you asked Basilton, he would have told Simon they were a lot of shit.

   Balthazar gave Simon a 'wait-one-second' finger, jotting something down on a Post-it.

   "This is the number for a very talented therapist. He isn't a Mage but knows more about your world than many mages do. Give him a call and set up an appointment, kid,"

Dr. October Wilson
Cambridge Graduate
407 NE Wilshire Ave. Room 93
Business Hours 8 AM – 8 PM

   "He is a fairly busy man. Here is his number, too. Just shoot him a text or give him a call, tell him Balthazar Bizby sent you,"

   "H-How did you know, and why did you give me his number?" Simon asked

   "I know everything, Simon Snow... You don't need the help of some stones. You need some serious help," Balthazar told him, giving him a patient smile. "The town is very distracting, and you have Professor Partridge's Alchemy Class in forty-five minutes. You better take your cute little tush over there. She doesn't like students skipping the first class or being late,"

   "I er... thank you?" Simon blushed as red as a tomato. He was going to leave, but Balthazar held up a finger.

   "I think a gem won't hurt for you to have. It helps with nightmares, spellbinding, etcetera." He opened a little drawer and pulled out a little clear periwinkle gem. "This is called a Lunamite. It helps with fear and draws Moon Rays closer to you."

   "Oh, thank you... How much do you want?" Simon gently grabbed the gem after the man placed it in a baggy.

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