Northwatch Keep: 4E 201 Skyrim, Tamriel

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She gave them a few minutes to loot the corpses, a chest or two, from the tops of tables and tortured corpses until nine of them had full sets of elven armor, six in studded imperial armor, another six in Stormcloak armor the rest in assorted bracers, greaves, enchanted hoods or daggers. Nothing they acquired was spectacular, but it all gave them a chance. Upon seeing their looting being completed she nodded in satisfaction.

"You thirty-one will help me free a Stormcloak soldier. I'll admit, I disagree with much of the Stormcloaks ideals, goals, actions, and more, but I disagree more with the Thalmor more." She paused for a moment to scan the mass of freed prisoners before her. "Until the Thalmor are driven back a civil war is the least of of what Skyrim needs, so I have made it my duty to aid any who take the fight to the Thalmor, mind you, however, I bear no hatred for elves of any kind, so if I hear any'll wish you kept it to yourself." With having her mind spoken she began to lead them up the stairs to exit the dungeon. "Our mission is to rescue Thorald Gray-Mane, who is being kept in the General's quarters. We'll proceed with caution, but otherwise no offense until I do or say otherwise." She whispered her last command before beginning to sneak through the fort as she led them to where the General's quarters are.

It was no surprise when they were spotted by a soldier once they stepped outside, there being thirty-two of them made it difficult for them to hide. They only made it as far as they did due to using a tunnel system that ran under the fortress. So when they surfaced and exited the fort they immediately were seen by an archer who ran to raise the alarm; she rushed to a bell and rang it aggressively. It resulted in forty-five high elven soldiers, thirty infantry and fifteen archers, rushing to surround their thirty-two escaping prisoners. The Thalmor were clad far superiorly to the prisoners with their gilded elven armors and ten of them wearing Glass armor with only the archers wearing the lighter and less protective elven gear.

"Armored ones in front and less armored ones in the back, make five rows of six with the extra one of you in the far back as all of you remain behind me ." She ordered for their formation and they obeyed and acted swiftly; it helped that most of them were trained soldiers and obeyed orders well.

One of the elven soldiers, presumably the General, snickered and turned to another elf. "Look at these prisoners, displaying acts of unity and forming a futile attempt at an army. How adorable your vain efforts are." He smirked under his helmet and pointed his sword at the prisoners. "I presume the one in the front is the one leading, so what is your name?" He looked at the woman who so easily dispatched two of his comrades just fifteen minutes ago with a gaze of amusement.

"I am Lilianah Hearthfire the Liberator of the Damned!!" The now named woman, Lilianah Hearthfire grinned with a level of amusement that surpassed even the General, who's amusement immediately fell and switched to irritation.

"Lilianah Hearthfire? How arrogant can you be to believe you stand any chance against the Thalmor?!" His grin resurfaced.

"This confident, General." After replying she immediately charged forward, but before doing so she gave a 'wait there' gesture to her own soldiers.

Lilianah conjured a sword and shield with which she'd use to block, stab and slash her enemies with great precision. Throwing herself into a heated battle against thirty infantry soldiers it became apparent that she was highly skilled, especially for how outnumbered she was. Blocking attack after attack and retaliating with a stab to the throat of each soldier; their numbers soon dropped to twenty-three. Fear spread into them as they noticed their numbers dropping rapidly by one woman.

The General, however, had a plan. As Lilianah was distracted with his soldiers he'd get to be atop the wall and shoot her from behind and high up. He ran up the stairs, got to one of his archers and ordered them to hand over their bow and arrows; they did as he asked.

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