Northwatch Keep: 4E 201 Skyrim, Tamriel

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- Middas the 14th of Heartfire -

Cold stone walls filled with only a small bed and a bucket accompanied the prisoners of Northwatch Keep. Prisoners of war, raids, and other assorted people captured by the Thalmor. Among the people were Stormcloak soldiers, rogue Imperial soldiers, a Forsworn, bandits, Talos worshippers, and a woman with power no one knew she had. This woman, unbeknownst to everyone in the fort, was sent to rescue a man, and that man she would most certainly rescue.

She sat on the edge of the poorly built bed, using a flame spell to keep herself warm; the light from the flame garnering the attention of her cellmates who approached the bars of their cells to investigate the light.

"Hey, what are you doing over there?" A bandit whispered to the woman, looking her up and down as she used the spell to keep herself warm. She looked up at him and smirked.

"I'm going to do what I came here to do." She stood up and walked to the bars of her cell, placing her hands on the bars, and using her fire magick to melt the bars. After a few minutes the bars were reduced to smaller spikes and sludge.

Confidently, she stepped over the spikes that were once barring her from the rest of the fort. After doing so two thalmor guards, clad in elven armor, rounded the corner, and upon making their turn they noticed the escaped prisoner.

With her feet planted and gaze locked onto the soldiers she motioned for them to come for her, and they did. Unsheathing their swords they charged forward; with the intent to kill.

As the soldiers made it about halfway down the hallway the woman used another spell, Telekinesis, which caused one of the soldiers to be pulled forward to her position with his face being perfectly planted in her free, right hand which immediately blasted fire; causing him to scream in agony. A moment later his head burned to a crisp with the helmet he wore melted to his now charred head. The soldier was dead and dropped to the floor with a thud as the one that remained stopped in fear with the uncertainty of whether she should proceed with her duty and die the same fate as her fallen brother or escape the obvious danger.

Ultimately, her hesitation killed her as this gave the woman a chance to leap forward, conjure a sword and drive it through her heart. The force knocked them to the ground, but the woman maintained balance and control and made sure the conjured blade never left the woman's chest as she landed on her knees above the soldier, grasping the conjured sword tightly.

Now on the floor the woman conjured a dagger in her left hand and used it to slit the soldier's throat; confirming the kill. Pausing for a moment she listened closely to the sounds of the fort and heard nothing despite their commotion. She then began to strip the female soldier of her armor and place it over herself.

Once she was suited in a set of armor she turned toward the other prisoners with a satisfied grin.

"Regardless of your current allegiances, I will release all of you, under your oath of peace and unity. From the moment I release you you all become one, under the command of me. Any who disobey will be killed, without hesitation, and as you all witnessed I am a killer." She approached the first cell. "If any of you wish not to take this oath then you may remain here to escape upon your own devices, but so we're clear: my end goal is to stick it to the Thalmor." She smirked, hoping that sold it for them.

Hearing her speak, none argued.
Upon each cell she asked each prisoner: "Do you take the oath of allegiance to me and to peace?" The prisoners would reply, "I hereby take upon the oath of allegiance to you and to peace" Each prisoner agreed and each prisoner was free; which resulted in them amassing a force of thirty-one soldiers. "Loot whatever you can on this floor, remain as silent as possible, I will keep watch."

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