Chapter Nine, Part One

Start from the beginning

As Maggie experimented with different positions, wading through the water, Maebh busied herself with preparing and organising. The bathroom shrunk, and every pained moan from Maggie seemed to turn her husband a shade greener.

'Bear,' Maebh called to the doorway, catching his eye. She indicated her head towards his brother, puzzling him before understanding dawned on his face. He walked over to Coinín, murmured something in his ear, and guided him out of the bathroom. Coinín hesitated, clearly reluctant to leave. Another whispered exchange persuaded his exit.

Maebh sighed, relieved Bear was not holding a grudge over her earlier outburst. Nor was Coinín, for that matter. Sure, he seemed more flammable around his brother than usual and who could blame him? He was about to become a father. With that, she shifted gears.

'Try to stay still, Mags, I'm going to check if you've dilated any further.'

Maggie nodded, her head falling back on the towels that had been arranged as a makeshift pillow, and took deep breaths. 'Where's Coinín?' she whimpered.

'Barfing, I hope, better out than in. I will call him back when it's time to push.'

'I'm going to have my vagina ripped apart, and he's puking.'

Maebh bit her lip, watching as Maggie stilled and stiffened, trying not to arch her back as the contractions intensified, restricting her breathing. Her eyes widened, as if she sensed the moment had arrived, much faster than either had anticipated. She began to cower and sob, tears leaking from her like a broken faucet. Maebh hushed her, placing a hand on the back of her neck and massaging lightly.

'You'll be alright, Mags, remember your breathing. Inhale for three seconds, hold for three and exhale for three. Envision your little boy, in your arms before you know it.'

Coinín burst into the room, having recovered from his episode, and winced. Maggie's hand reached up weakly, her eyes half-lidded from exhaustion. He kissed her palm, shooting her a shaky grin.

'Ready for a lifetime of two Coinín's?' he whispered. 'Nod if you want to opt out.'

Maggie cracked a smile, however feeble it was.

'You're good to go, Mags,' Maebh said, looking sideways at Coinín, who met her gaze with uncertainty. 'Okay,' she continued as Maggie panted and shuddered, recognising that a contraction was about to tear through her body. 'Push on the count of three—'

'I can't!' Maggie cried out, sweat beading down her temple. 'I–I don't want to die.'

As Maebh opened her mouth to reassure her again, Coinín beat her to it. He kissed his wife tenderly, their foreheads pressed together, noses rubbing as he whispered words meant for their ears alone.

A brief pause, just as another contraction seized her spine, and Maggie clenched her teeth to endure the pain, her face twisting. She nodded.

'I'm so proud of you, Mags,' he said and gave their friend a thumbs up. Ready.

'Okay, Maggie, you fecking legend, on three, you're going to push. One...two...three—'

Shrieks made their eardrums feel as though they might implode. Maebh learned to block them out. As soon as the contraction subsided, Maggie stopped pushing, gasping for air. Maebh nodded at her encouragingly, her smile fading as she focused, and quickly plastering it back on when she saw Coinín do the same.

'You're doing so well, Mags. Now, let's do it again, okay? On the count of three. One... two... three—' Her hand brushed against something new in the water.

'The baby is almost here!' Maebh cried out.

Instantly, the demeanour of both expectant parents shifted, Maggie's especially. Her pain build to something beautiful and frightening. She straightened, knees wide, feet flat on the bottom of the pool, Coinín's hands as support bars.

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