2/ my besto friendo!

Start from the beginning

"Dude. I told you that I can't find information about this anywhere!"

"But how?! The author is human and the franchise is pretty famous too?"





"Damn..." I sighed.

"Whatever, I didn't bring you here for a tsl
rant." This caught my attention. Are we going to kiss? Is he finally confessing his undying lo-

"I want you to make a pact with my brother so he can finally give me back my money. Wait, I know this sounds awful when I word it like that but when I tell you the full story you will understand! I know! We are true friends after all, right?" He looked at me with hope in his eyes.

"I am not making a pact. I have read and watched enough of horror stuff to know that I am not letting anyone get their hands on my soul!" I hugged myself in a way to emphasise my words.

"You don't have to give him your soul."

"Oh. Okay, continue."

"A few months ago...Mammon did something unforgivable..." He went on a long rant about how Mammon won a figurine of a character Levi likes and just threw it in his never-ending carpet of garbage, totally forgetting about it.

"Anyway...so I had to sneak in. When I saw Seraphina on the floor I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry and strangle Mammon on the spot. So I naturally tried to. BUT THIS PSYCHOPATH STOOD UP ASLEEP AND PUT ME IN A CHOKEHOLD. AND YOU KNOW WHAT THE WORST PART WAS?!" At this point I had put out popcorn and began munching on it and thoroughly listening to Levi's story.



"NO WAY?!"


I started laughing maniacally. My knees grew weak and I fell face-first. Now I was rolling on the ground, clutching my stomach. Levi, on the other hand looked at me with disgust. "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?!"

"It's-pfft- so funny..." I held my stomach and doubled over again. Levi stared. Ominously.

"That is NOT the point."

"Ah, then what is?" I reached to dry a tear.

"I want you to make a pact with him and all that, yes. But you don't actually need to sell your soul or whatever. You just need a bargaining chip. Like a...credit card." Levi looked deep in thought, looking as if he is speaking automatically.

"This again?! Why is he so obsessed with credit cards, dude?"

"Um...he is literally the avatar of greed?"



"The hell does this mean?" I grimaced.

"Didn't they tell you...?" Leviathan looked at me in confusion.

"Tell me what? Probably not, though."

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