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The glaring sun reminds me that it is already twelve noon and the alpha is set to show up any minute now. I could hear massive vehicles moving, heading towards my pack.  A strange feeling fills my lungs and for some weird reason, my wolf begins to pace. I try to converse with her and yet I don’t understand the emotions filling me at that particular moment. I shut her out when I feel a mind link coming through.

“They are almost here, alpha.” Jake mind links me somewhere in the massive trees. I had assigned everyone a place to occupy in case this alpha proves to be troublesome.

“Thank you, Jake.”

It takes only a few minutes before the vehicles come to sight. Two 2018 jeep wranglers and one Mercedes SUV head towards the border where Micah, Asher and I are standing. The strange and unknown feeling grows further in my lungs the closer the vehicle gets. With a few scrutinies from the pack patrol, the vehicles come to stand still.

I take a huge gulp of air, stilling my nerves in the process. Whoever this male is, my wolf is excited to meet him; I on the other hand, do not share her feelings.

The two jeeps open up and five males and three females alight from the vehicle. From their massive build and the attire adorning their forms, I am certain they are warriors and thetas of the pack. I wait eagerly for the other vehicle to open up and it does. A male emerges with dark features and a huge smile on his face. He has forest green eyes and dirty blonde hair neatly combed back. That is the only neat thing about him. He’s quite tall standing about 6’1.  From the looks of it, he isn’t the alpha but comes close to him from the potent energy radiating off of him in waves making him his beta, Roan.

I don’t have to wait for long before the other door of the car opens and my breath sticks to my chest at the formidable scent emanating from the man. My wolf tries to take over but I block her off, her behavior becoming even stranger.

The man emerges and I try my very best to maintain a neutral expression which is close to almost impossible. Alpha Ares is quite a sight to behold; being among the tallest people I have ever encountered. Broad shoulders strain the white shirt he has on as he stands up to his full height. Hazel eyes are visible from the distance and obsidian hair that seems to be cut short on his sides but longer and messy on top.  When his eyes meet mine in an intense lock, I have to hold my breath at the intensity of his look. I watch as his mouth part, eyes wide open almost in absolute shock. His hands lift as if to reach out for me and my eyes drop wide open. Realizing this, his hand drops and fists on his side. My eyes fall onto his again and the same look occupies his eyes and I shy away, staring at the people gathered behind him already lost in the scenery of my pack. I don’t want to know what he is all about at all.

“Welcome to Dark Storm Pack, Alpha Ares Black. I hope your journey went well.” I say staring at the man who had not taken his eyes off of me since his arrival.

When he is quiet, I glance at the beta that is glaring at his alpha. Feeling my eyes on him, he looks at me and smiles so widely that I am taken aback.

“Yes, it was wonderful, Alpha Summer or do you prefer Alpha Young?” I cringe at the name. I had not taken Logan’s family name but the reminder of it makes me shudder.

“No, Alpha Summer or Alpha Bellamy is okay.” I reply and he nods quite enthusiastically if you ask me.

“This is my beta, Micah and my third, Asher.” The said parties nod and shake hands with beta Roan and bow slightly to Alpha Ares, “You’ll meet the rest of my pack and warriors tonight.”

Broken BladesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant