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Wolves are missing and as an alpha I knew nothing about them. I couldn't fully grasp the idea that I have been alpha for a whole year and have completely failed to note that some wolves were missing from here and especially people I had related with at some point. I couldn't fully blame myself for it though. Logan had been so deeply entwined with me, in a completely toxic and disgusting way, that I didn't have my own life to leave. Nonetheless, I was now responsible for them and for not looking further into Logan's former work was a failure on my part.

I'm in a daze as I get to my wing that I completely don't get time to react to Annalise before I'm already slamming into the tiled floor of my room, Annalise on top of me, a wide grin occupying her lips.

"Well, that was just pathetic." She mocks and I try to maneuver myself ot of her grasp and completely fail. She's still stronger than me, I note.

Her smile suddenly fades when she sees the emotions swimming in my eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asks as she gets off me and leads us both to the white coach in my small living room.

"I don't even know where to start." I groan, running my hand through my tangled hair. Being alpha didn't look as easy as I had hoped, not that I wasn't prepared.

"What's wrong? What happened?" She asks again and I sigh.

"Wolves. They've gone missing."

Annalise stares at me with wide eyes.

"How many?"

"Five. Remember Charlie and they too are gone."

"You two had been friends." She says and I nod. It's even more embarrassing that I didn't realize they were gone.

"I wasn't even aware they were gone. I've been too focused on trying to fix this pack and come out of the dark place my head is in right now. It's just embarrassing." It was even more embarrassing that I was quite opening up. The emotions makes me cringe and I swallow the hard rock forming in my throat.

"You are being hard on yourself, Summer. The improvement you've had in this pack are so tremendous and no one should convince you otherwise." Anna says, an understanding looks flashing through her eyes and my eyes most over. She didn't know how grateful I am for her. I smile and look away feeling completely off. My heart pumps harder realizing I wasn't in touch with my emotions like I had been before. I push the thought away and turn to Anna, changing the subject.

"Is Yellow Stone experiencing this too?" I ask.

"Yes, a few months two disappeared. They were pack patrols. We did carry out extensive searches but we came up blank. Kieran is still looking into it." Anna says.

"Did you say pack patrol?"

"Yes, a twenty two and nineteen. They usually take turns. When it was time for border patrol to switch, they were no where." She explains and my eyes scrunch.

"When was this?" I'm completely intrigued.

"Almost five months ago. That's why Kieran was so skeptical on letting me leave. Something isn't right." Anna says and I completely understand where Kieran's coming from.

Anna's eyes grows sad and I know she's about to tell me even sadder news.

"I have to go back to the pack. Kieran can't run everything by himself and as much as I would love to fight with him and demand I stay, I know he's right. I'm already feeling homesick. I'm sorry Summer, I wish I could stay but I have to leave." Anna looks very apologetic and I smile widely.

"There's no need for the apology. You've done so much for me, you have no idea." I pull her in for a hug, surprising both of us. In the recent weeks, I realize physical touch quite repulsed me and I couldn't help it even if I wanted to.

"You'll do great, Summer. You already are." She assures me rubbing my back affectionately and I find myself loving it.


Annalise left two days later, leaving me quite hollow. She's been here so frequently that her departure leaves me feeling sad and completely alone. Just like how I have been half of my life.

I quickly shake my head physically to push the depressing thoughts  away fully knowing I wouldn't resist if I went down that dark road once again. Ignoring it being the best solution.

I look down at the scattered papers on my desk and let out a deep sigh. Paperwork is quite annoying and I hate it so much but the thought of my pack thriving is enough motivation to push me through it all. New classes for the pack children, a few mothers have given birth so they needed to be provided for. A few highschool graduates wants to further their education outside the pack so I need to accept it and link them to a pack in the city where the university is located. With the amount of work I do, I actually feel Logan did nothing. Everything was utter chaos the first time I went through everything. How had he managed to keep the pack intact if he barely looked at what the pack members needed.

Even after one year, I knew nothing of the pack and I had to change that. I was alpha now and even though the thought of interacting with people is quite, well very unappealing to me, I have to try. I mind link my beta realizing what's must be done in order to have a connection with my people.

It takes a few seconds for Micah to get to my office, a nervous look occupying his face.

"No need to look so worried, Micah. I just wanted you and I to plan a pack barbecue. It's time I interacted with everyone. I have been alpha for almost a year and a half and I don't know everyone here." I explain, feeling quite embarrassed.

Micah's eyes widen before he grins widely, "That's great, alpha. I'll get straight to it. It's been so long since we had those."

I understand his excitement. Ever since Logan's father died when he was nineteen, there were no parties or any pack interaction only the mandatory pack runs to connect everyone with their wolves, other than that, nothing. The more I thought about it, the weirder it gets. What was Logan really doing? It feels like I was not the only one kept in the dark. Everyone else was.

"Yes, so plan for one. It's been far too long." I smile displaying almost all my dentals and Micah looks quite shocked to say the least. Have I been that detached honestly that a smile is eliciting such a reaction from him?

Micah bows and dashes out, almost skipping out of the room. I hold in the laugh that was about to spill, realizing the idea to bond is the best thing to do for this pack.


More of a filler chapter!

Summer is warming up to her pack and interacting with them. The next chapter will be up soon!

I'm sorry I have disappeared for two months :( I've been quite busy. I'll try to update frequently. I hope to finish this before the end of the year.

Ares and Summer will meet soon! I cannot wait!

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