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Trigger Warning: Abuse and Suicid@l Thoughts.



I feel his lips on my skin as he kisses down my neck, his hands circle my waist and holds me in place. His disgusting tongue caresses the back of my neck, leaving sloppy saliva in it's wake. The feeling causes a rush of disgust down my spine but I do nothing to stop it. I stand there as his hands roam my body, touching and prodding without my consent. Bile suddenly rushes up my mouth and I quickly de-tangle myself from him and rush to the bathroom, puking my guts out. I heave and shake, tears gathering in my eyes at the intensity. Logan walks in, an annoyed look marring his features and I clench my fist in both anger and fear.

"What's wrong with you?" Logan asks, glaring at me having interrupted his pleasure. A pleasure I wasn't part of. It was only him, always him.

We had left Yellow Bridge Pack a few days ago and the thought of telling Logan about my pregnancy has left me fearful and frightened. With Annalise and Kieran there, Logan wouldn't try anything not wanting to taint his good reputation with a bruised and bleeding mate. I could never sum up the courage to confess to Anna about the abuse. Even she has the perception that he's a good alpha, a good leader and a wonderful man. She was there when I had a crush on him, when I spoke of wanting a man as wonderful as him.

Will he care? Will he be responsible and decide to let me keep it?  He can't possibly hate his own child, right? My hands caresses my stomach and Logan's eyes drop to it.

"I'm pregnant." I find myself uttering those forbidden words.

It only takes a second for me to note the shift in his expression. The once lust filled eyes burn with real, unfiltered rage. Rage that should never be directed at your mate. Rage that no one should ever witness.

"What?!" He snarls and I take a step back in sheer terror, "Did you do this intentionally you bitch!" He screams, the voice causing blood to rush to my ears and air to leave my lungs.

"No. . .I was extra careful! I was. You know they aren't usually one hundred percent safe." I stutter backing away from him, backing away from the monster, the scent of my fear flooding the room.

Logan grins and my heart stops. The smile looks so dead and so horrible that an uncontrolled, fear-laced shriek rushes out of my mouth. Logan's hand shoots out and in an instant his hand is around my neck, cutting off the supply of oxygen to my lungs.

"I have told you several times, I don't want children! The day you have one is the day I end your miserable life." He screams in my ears, shaking me to my core.

Before I can react, his free hand smacks my cheek so hard, leaving my ears ringing. He shoves me to the wall and my head makes contact with the bathroom wall, bouncing my head back. I nearly pass out from the pain.

"I have warned you severally not to mess with me, Summer. You never listen, do you?" He mocks, his neck protruding with veins from the rage coursing through his body. His grips on my neck tightens blocking the oxygen to my lungs.

I struggle to breath, struggle to speak, to beg him to let me go. That I was carrying our child. His fist comes barreling down, hitting me square on the face and my eyes flash. My consciousness begin to fade. He notes this and lets go of my neck. I pull in oxygen from my mouth but it's not enough to satiate my starving lungs. He does not take any sympathy in me. Instead, he pulls me back up by my hair, plucking a few strands from my skull in the process. He delivers a brutal punch to my face, I hear a crack, as a metallic liquid floods my mouth and nose. He drops me to the floor as my vision begins to fade.

"I want that thing gone by the time I'm back." It's the last thing I hear before I fade into complete darkness.


The first thing I realize when I come to is that it's dark. I'm still lying on the floor where he left me. My head is pounding so hard I feel nauseous. It suddenly dawns on me how I got here. I frantically run my hands through my stomach and listen to my baby's heartbeat. A sigh rush out of my mouth when I hear it, the consistent rhythmic beats of their heart.

The relief fades away and tears flood my eyes at the thought of killing it. I thought Logan would care, I thought he'd be concerned for his own blood,  for the young life growing in me that has no part in whatever this is. A painful and terror filled sob leaves my mouth as I clutch my stomach, the pain being too real.

I run my hand through my face, feeling the already healing scabs. If I was not a werewolf, I would have already succumb to my death. Logan loved that I healed quickly and he takes advantage of that so he can take out his rage on me.

I pull myself up and exit the room to a guest room to take a shower. I strip and walk inside the bathroom, wincing when I almost trip and fall. As I get in, a sudden rush of intense pain floods my mind and  body, a loud screaming escaping my mouth in agony. I curl on the floor as tears fall down my eyes in torturous agony.

He is doing it again. He does it when I am weak after a beating knowing it will inflict pain on me. He knows it hurts, he knows I'm suffering and he does not care. He doesn't care that I am breaking every single day. I can almost feel his lips on the woman he's with, the vivid images of their activities leaving me groaning and writhing on the floor. Pure pain washing over my body at my mate's betrayal. A betrayal I have endured for too long.

Do I deserve this? I should probably just be gone than bare this pain, than keep doing this. My parents are long dead, leaving me in a cruel world that has nothing to offer. No one believes Logan is a monster, that he's the devil's incarnate. How can an 'amazing' man as him ever portray anything but the best?

A sigh escapes my mouth when they finally complete the disgusting acts. He finds pleasure, finds peace while I'm left pleading on the floor, begging for death to take me because it's the only suitable option. It's the only one worth taking.

I lay on the cool tile hoping I was not his mate, hoping and praying for death to take me into his loving arms. For death alone does not disappoint. In every story, every life, death is a constant.

However, when I touch my stomach and feel my baby's heartbeat, the wild thrumming of their life, hope floods my heart making me realize I am not completely alone and that I would do everything in my power to keep them safe.


What are your thoughts on Logan?

I have come to the realization that most original mates in my books are so horrible. Idk why honestly.
How about Summer?

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