The House Of Raghu

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The House of Raghu

*Please, please don't pluck these young buds. They're too small."

Sita folded Her hands and requested them to leave the young green sprouts alone. "If you need flowers, then you can pluck the older, mature ones. As it is, they'll fall down on their own after their span has ended. It's better to use them instead of causing harm to these innocent buds which are yet to bloom into full grown flowers."

As the daughter of the Earth, who was protected by Mother Earth in Her womb, She felt the pain and sorrows of all living beings as Her own.

She had magical and healing abilities, and although She was humble enough to consider Herself an ordinary child, the rest of Mithila already revered Her as Their saviour Goddess.

Bhoomi Devi had blessed Her, for no ordinary child could endure so much and yet manage to breathe and remain alive, while buried deep inside the ground.

Every blow of an axe to a tree, and each sapling being uprooted caused Her great dismay and discomfort. She prevented any such ill doings, as much as She could.

Sita was now a teenage girl, with simple dreams and unanswered curiosity. She was not a rebel; She would not go against the already set rules. But She was a revolutionary; She would create Her own rules for centuries to come.

Her quest for knowledge was always insatiable. And under the patronage of the Navratans of King Janaka's court, the Nine Sages taught Her well and made Her education was wholesome and complete in all aspects.

Seeing Her love and belonging towards plants and Mother Nature, Queen Sunayana entrusted Her to take care of the gardens of the palace. A woman who is self realised thus becomes one with Mother Nature, Prakriti, who is the Supreme Goddess.

Sita had discovered many magical plants and herbs while travelling and tending to the gardens. She naturally knew which herb would produce what effect. She even used a few of the special herbs to cure some common ailments which would otherwise take several days to subside.

She proposed the idea of a herbarium and sanitorium for sick people where She could use the medicinal qualities of herbs to cure them. King Janaka and Queen Sunayana readily agreed, and were very proud of Their beautiful, divine daughter who only thought about the welfare of others.

People would travel far and wide, walking for miles to reach Mithila, where they had heard about the cure for the most wicked of ailments. And Sita personally tended to each one of them. She was a divine healer.

Some people would touch Her hand to their forehead, in an attempt to take Her blessings to get well soon. "You're a Goddess", they would say. But little Sita only laughed it all off.

A few who would sadly not respond to the treatment, left their mortal bodies, and wished to have Sita by their side in their last moments. "She is the bestower of Moksha", they would say. All this had kept Her really busy all day and She would hardly get time for other leisure activities.

"Are you from Ayodhya? I've heard alot about the kingdom of Saket. It's so far from Mithila, but I believe it's a magical and prosperous kingdom. " Sita inquired, with interest and curiosity sparkling in Her eyes.

The man was pale with sickness. But he managed to wake up in his consciousness. He murmured, "Yes, I travelled this far in hopes that Mithila will have a cure for my disease.  The Koshala Prince Rama suggested that I come here."

Sita's eyes widened in surprise. "Prince Rama?" She asked, with excitement in Her soft voice. She froze at Her spot at the mention of His name.

"Yes…" The man whispered and fell back into deep sleep.

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