Immediately Leopardpaw was overwhelmed by the sickly scent of pine sap and felt needles digging into her already frozen paws. She couldn't imagine how AshClan cats lived in a place like this. The towering pine trees blocked the moon and the stars, making Leopardpaw feel trapped. Last time they fought it was in MoonClan's camp where thy had the advantage, now that advantage would be going to AshClan.

Leopardpaw hadn't even so much as looked at AshClan's camp before, but Violetstar seemed to know where she was going. As they trod through the pine forest, their leader eventually came to a stop and signaled with her tail for the groups to split up. Leopardpaw watched Swiftheart and Brokenclaw led their patrols away. Violetstar and her patrol followed behind, making sure their paw steps were completely silent against the snow, something MoonClan cats excelled at.

Through the trees, Leopardpaw saw the camp. A lone stone hollow guarded by the pine trees with many dens for their warriors. She saw two look outs, one looking towards them but unaware, it seemed to be Nightheart. The other one as Lilyclaw, the tabby she-cat sat alert facing where the MoonClan border would be.

Leopardpaw could do nothing but wait as the cold gripped their bodies. She cast a worried glance up at Shellstorm as she felt her heart pounding in her chest. Shellstorm looked back at her and gave her a reassuring nod. Feeling slightly more calm, Leopardpaw extended her claws and waited for the signal.

With her eyes focused on Nightheart, in the blink of an eye Swiftheart's patrol charged out from the shadow of the pine trees. Leopardpaw saw her yellow eyes go wide as Swiftheart tackled the AshClan she-cat to the ground. "AshClan we're under attack!" Lilyclaw's yowl sounded through the hollow and at her words, Brokenclaw's patrol attack.

AshClan warriors began to spill out from their dens, claws extended and teeth bared. She saw Riverstar emerging from a den in the back, her blue eyes filled with rage. "Now!" Violetstar called, her voice trembling with rage. Leopardpaw felt a burst of adrenaline and charged forward with her Clanmates. The once peaceful night had erupted with the sounds of battle and the scent of blood.

Leopardpaw made sure to stick with Shellstorm as he talked about, but almost instantly she lost track of his spotted silver pelt, she scanned the hollow but found herself face to face to a brown and white she-cat named Rabbitspring. The she-cat was smaller than most warriors, but she was quick and agile. Leopardpaw lashed out with her claws, hooking them into Rabbitspring's shoulder.

Rabbitspring hissed in annoyance and lashed out in return. Her claws connected with Leopardpaw's foreleg, drawing blood to her golden pelt. Leopardpaw jumped backwards, away from her grasp before using her superior speed to shoot froward and get underneath the warrior. She shoved her spine into Rabbitspring's belly, knocking her off balance.

Before Leopardpaw could move however, she felt Rabbitpsring's claws dig into her pelt and pull her down with her. The sharp pain of her claws made her wince, but she managed to scramble back to her paws. She felt Rabbitspring lash ou t at her hind flank as well, causing warm blood to run down her leg.

Leopardpaw spun around and lashed at Rabbitspring's face. Her claws ripped open the flesh above Rabbitspring's eyes and blood dripped down into her eyes. Rabbitspring stepped back and shook her head, unable to see. Leopardpaw took advantage of this by attacking again, slamming her body weight into Rabbitspring's side and knocking her to the ground, clawing down her flank once more.

Before Leopardpaw could do anything further a heavy weight slammed into her body and she fell hard on her shoulder onto the hard stone floor of the hollow. She felt pain burn up her shoulder but Leopardpaw knew she had to get up. She got back on her paws and met Slateheart's burning amber eyes.

Leopardpaw hissed at him and readied herself to fight him. "I could never imagine losing to an apprentice." He spat. "Especially a scrawny one like you."

The look in his eyes made Leopardpaw nervous, he was a dangerous opponent and she didn't think she could take him alone. Never turn your back on an AshClan warrior. Violetstar's words echoed in her mind and she forced herself to be brave. "You already have." Leopardpaw reminded him with a growl.

"It won't happen again, not without your little friend!" Slateheart launched himself and Leopardpaw did her best to dodge him but he was too fast. He slammed her back into the ground and she felt his claws ripping up her pelt, causing a searing hot pain across her body. She howled in pain but put her paws on Slateheart's shoulders, sinking her claws in as deep as they could go.

He let out a growl but sunk his teeth in her shoulder, dangerously close to her neck. Is he trying to kill me? Leopardpaw thought and panic began to take over her body, her moves becoming desperate.

"Get off of her!" Shellstorm's rage filled mew filled the air and Slateheart was pulled off Leopardpaw's body, his teeth and claws letting go as he howled in pain. Leopardpaw rolled away, her body burning in pain, she felt herself bleeding significantly from the wound on her shoulder. Her vision was blurred by pain but she managed to focus on the two toms.

"Some big brave warrior you are." Shellstorm growled as she lashed his claws across Slateheart's chest. "Attacking an apprentice!"

"Braver than you!" Slateheart yowled and jumped to tackle Shellstorm, his claws ripping deep into his spotted pelt and sending blood spraying onto the stone floor. Leopardpaw forced herself to her paws, refusing to let Shellstorm fight Slateheart alone. She mustered the last of her strength and jumped onto Slateheart's back, sinking her claws into his shoulder and doing her best to throw him off balance. "Pest!" Slateheart roared and spun around, making Leopardpaw lose her balance and fall to the ground.

He spun around met Shellstorm's incoming attack by clawing his foreleg, leaving long bloody claw marks. Before Leopardpaw could get back up, Slateheart was attacking her again, he pinned her onto back, his claws digging into her chest. "You're not beating me again!" He spat. "I'll never lose to a pathetic MoonClan cat again!" He raised his claw and fear crippled Leopardpaw's body. He's going to kill me!

"Shellstorm!" She cried out in fear for her friend and soon enough she saw a silver blur as his body slammed into Slateheart's, pinning him to the ground. She heard Slateheart howl in pain as she desperately got back onto her paws. Shellstorm tore into Slateheart's pelt, staining his dark pelt with blood. Slateheart was still going strong, his amber eyes burning fiercely with the fire of battle.

Shellstorm sank his teeth into Slateheart's shoulder and threw him to the side before running to Leopardpaw. "I'm getting you out of here." He nudged her to her paws.

"I'm fine!" She complained.

"No, you're not." Shellstorm started pushing her through the battle. "I'm not losing you tonight!" His voice was desperate and silenced her own. Her heart ached hearing the pain in his voice, she gave up and following him as they raced out of MoonClan camp.

She leaned against him, suddenly feeling drowsy and exhausted. "Sit down." He instructed calmly and Leopardpaw paw sat while he looked at the wound on her shoulder and he breathed out a sigh of relief. "The bleeding is already stopping, I'm not medicine cat but I think you'll be okay."

"You should get back in there." Leoarpdpaw panted, feeling the full agony of her wounds creep in as her adrenaline faded.

Shellstorm shook his head. "I'm not leaving you alone out here." He assured her. "They'll be fine without us."

Leopardpaw felt exhaustion and fear taking over and she leaned against Shellstorm once more for both physical and emotional support. "I hope so..." Her voice trailed off, fearing the worst awaited her Clan from the raging battle. 

Waging War Book 4: Empty Peace {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now