Transformers Prime Fanfic: Ghost, Ghost, Giant Robot Ghost, Ghost... GIANT ROBOT

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Morrigan is just your average teenager. She goes shopping, goes to school, any things that a normal 18 year old would do. Except for one thing, she can see and talk to ghosts. Usually she helps them move on or find their way to the afterlife. Sometimes, when they can't move on, she keeps them company when she can. In return, they provide her with snippets of blackmail and help her on heists. That's right, she's also a thief. She was abandoned as a baby because of her abilities so she's had to live on her own for a long time. So, essentially, she's absolutely nothing like the normal teenager. She pays for her own schooling, with stolen money, of course. She also works, but that's not enough to cover bills, that's when she resorts to thievery. But only from companies that can afford it. She's pretty much seen every type of ghost, old, young, mid teens, mid forties. Of every occupation, nurse, police, writer, you name it, she's met them. Until, she comes across one that's new. It's a giant red robot! He says he's a Cybertronian and there are more of him. The night after she meets Cliffjumper, a strange thing happens, she has a dream from someone called Primus and he puts her in charge of the 'Allspark', whatever that is. When she wakes up the usual ghosts that greet her in the morning aren't there. Morrigan starts to panic when someone speaks, she turns, expecting to see one of her regulars, instead she see's another of the giant robots. Turns out the Allspark is the Cybertronian version of where people go when they die. And now, it was inside Morrigan's head! Join Morrigan on her journey from taking care of human ghosts, to Cybertronian spirits. Then, meeting Cybertronian's in real life. Life never slows down for this girl. Will the Autobots and Decepticons discover her secret? What will happen if they do? And which Prime decided to tell Optimus about Morrigan?

Morrigan is just your average teenager. She goes shopping, goes to school, any things that a normal 18 year old would do. Except for one thing, she can see and talk to ghosts. But not just any ghosts, these are Cybertronian spirits. When she was younger, her parents had gotten her a crystal that was a deep blue. Since then, her parents died in a car crash and she's had to live on her own. Well, not completely alone, the blue stone gave her the Allspark. Where all Cybertronian's go when they offline. The spirits can appear at any time around her and it, honestly gets annoying after a while. But eventually, they become her family and, plus side, she doesn't need school. The Cybertronian's teach her everything she needs. But, what happens when a new bot comes on to tell her that the Autobots and Decepticons are on earth. Then, the next day, he's disappeared. But then reappears. Something strange is going on with the spirits and Morrigan is determined to find out what. What will happen when she meets the Bots and Cons in real life? Will they find out about her secret... of course they will. There wouldn't be a story if they didn't. But what will happen when they do? Which Prime decided to tell Optimus about Morrigan?   

I couldn't decide which one I liked better so I decided to do both. Comment on which one you like more.


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