I Can See Ghosts

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There is a group of people, spread far to every corner of the globe (which is crazy because a globe is round, but just go with it), who each have a gift. They have been born with an enormous power and even greater responsibility. These people, are called SpiritSeekers. And they are able to see and speak, with ghosts. Most of the stories of them have been lost to legend and they are no longer revered as they once were. Instead, they carry out their jobs in secret, as they protect the world from the other side. Death. Each SpiritSeeker has a job and the gift is passed through the male line. Until, Olivia happens. 

Born in Mexico her father is a SpiritSeeker and had expected his gift to be passed to his eldest born, Ryan, but it doesn't work that way. When Ryan's twelfth birthday comes and goes, everyone starts to worry. Then, Olivia's twelfth birthday happens. That's when things start to get crazy. Olivia is the first female, in a long generation of male SpiritSeekers. Her father is furious but, he can't change what's already happened. Olivia must be trained to be a fully fledged SpiritSeeker, instead of her brother. That might be hard though, as Olivia's family is the one that deals with the spirits with grave grievances and that are unable to move on, until those grievances are settled. Settling scores usually involves torture, removal of limbs and, sometimes, murder. But, that's what Olivia must do. And, to be honest, she absolutely loves it. She was always the one to watch horror movies when her brother was too scared. She feels this was her calling and she's good at it too. 

Join Olivia as she traverses the globe settling scores for ghost's that no longer can. And makes a few friends along the way. After all, what's a wanted fugitive in 15 countries, without a gang. 

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