Chapter 56 - 57 - 58

Start from the beginning

 The solar eclipse has completely passed, and the sun's light has returned to the earth, but people are not happy about it.

 Because the sun is getting hotter and hotter, even if you hide in a building, you can't resist the scorching heat.

 Moreover, after the solar eclipse passes, it also means that plants that are usually destroyed and cut down by humans will mutate into creatures at the top of the food chain.

 Humanity has completely fallen to the lowest level of the food chain.

 Mu Lichen was not too worried. Although the mutated plants attacked zombies and humans equally, he had the Heart of Muhua and could control the zombie plants, so he didn't have to worry about this at all.

 Moreover, Mu Lichen is now so happy that he has broken through to the tenth level that he wants to look up to the sky and smile.

 Mu Lichen didn't know how many levels of super powers there were, but level ten was definitely not the highest.

 The tenth level is a huge watershed for supernatural powers. It is really not easy to break through from the ninth level to the tenth level.

 You know, it only took Mu Lichen more than half a year to go from the first level to the ninth level, and it took him less than half a year to get through from the peak of the ninth level to the tenth level.

 Yes, it was a fluke.

 If he hadn't obtained the Heart of Muhua, obtained the Blood Demon inheritance, and practiced the Blood Sacrifice Technique, he would have been able to break through to the tenth level in one fell swoop with the help of solar eclipse energy.

 There is a huge gap between levels below level ten and level ten, and it is basically impossible to fight across levels.

 For example, when Mu Lichen was still at the ninth level, if dozens of eighth-level people or a few eighth-level people with inherited spiritual treasures joined forces to deal with him, he would really be unable to defeat him and would have to run away early.

 The ninth level can still be killed by the sheer number of people, but the tenth level is impossible.

 The tenth-level zombie king, even if hundreds or thousands of ninth-level ones join forces, can't do anything.

 Because after Mu Lichen reached the tenth level, the energy in the soul crystal was almost endless, and it was impossible to exhaust it. He could even combine it with his skills to absorb the spiritual energy of the outside world to recover.

 Even if you burn the soul crystal like in the previous life, you will only be weak for a while at most, and it is impossible to let the soul crystal fail.

 And after reaching the tenth level, Mu Lichen can use the range attacks in the inherited memory unscrupulously.

 Next time he meets that slutty archer, why does he need to fight with that guy? All he needs is a large-scale attack to blast down the guy and keep him alive until he dies. Not even the special space superpower can save him!

 Mu Lichen, who had greatly improved in strength, calmed down and studied the function of Muhua Heart for a few days, and then went to the ruins of the survivor base in Province H alone, without even Xiao Hei.

 He flew directly from the top of the restaurant to his destination.

 After he advanced to the tenth level, he could use the wind power to fly very fast in the air. It was much better than before when he could only float slowly with the wind power.

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