26. Happy Birthday! (Alex)

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It was Henry's birthday today. Alex had a whole bunch of stuff planned for today. Right now, he was making some of Henry's favorite breakfast. 

Just then, the Henry walked into the kitchen, "There's the birthday boy!" Alex exclaimed. 

Henry rubbed his eyes, "Good morning love. Right now I smell you cooking and I have my eyes set on that right now."

"What? Not your beautiful fiancé right here?" Alex pouted.

"My eyes are always on you, I think they can take a break," Henry smirked.

Alex walked over to Henry, "They don't need a break."

"Yes they do."

"No they don't."

"Fine. They don't," Henry smiled. Alex smiled, pecked him on the lips, and went back to monitoring the breakfast.

Henry went over to make himself a cup of tea but Alex took the spatula and blocked his path, "Nope. You go sit down. I'll get you everything."

Henry laughed but obliged. Alex could feel Henry looking at him, and when he turned he saw Henry smiling at him and Alex smiled back, "I thought you said you needed to give your eyes a break."

"Ah, well, you see, when you, the person whom my eyes need a break from, tells me that my eyes don't need a break, then that gives me permission to stare at you for however long I want," Henry explained.

"Oh, I get it now," Alex grinned and brought Henry's tea and breakfast over to the table, "So, what do you want to do for your birthday?" 

"I'm perfectly content as it is," Henry said.

"No, we need to do something special!" Alex exclaimed. 

"Do you want to call Pez?" Henry asked.

"Do you want to call Pez?" Alex countered.

"Yeah," Henry looked sheepish.

"You don't want to spend precious time with your fiancé before he isn't your fiancé anymore?" Alex asked, faking hurt.

"Oh shut up! You're going to be my husband and then we'll be permanently stuck together," Henry exclaimed.

"You say that as if it's a bad thing," Alex said.

"It's not! It's not," Henry replied, eyes widening.

"I'm just kidding, calm down," Alex laughed. Henry laughed too. Alex called Pez and he said he'd be over in 10. 

When Pez finally arrived, they spent the day watching a whole bunch of movies and eating food made by Alex. At night, him and Henry went to a restaurant, and Pez was nice enough to let them have some alone time. 

"Did you enjoy your birthday?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, of course! I got to spend the whole day with you and Pez, not to mention you cooked a lot of good food," Henry replied.

"I'm glad," Alex smiled. It's crazy how Henry had the power to make him smile more in a couple months than he had his whole life. He really was the love of his life. 

A/N: IMPORTANT!! Ok I have a lot of stuff to ask/tell you guys.

1. After reading all my wedding planning chapters, can you tell me what else they have to plan and let me know? Honestly, I'm too young to know what you need to do to plan a wedding. I need to know within the next couple of weeks so I can write the chapters accordingly. The next chapter is either going to be a wedding planning chapter if there's anything else that they need to cover. 

2. I have NO IDEA what Henry's favorite breakfast is, please enlighten me and I'll edit this chapter to compensate for that fact lol.

3. I need to know if y'all want me to do something else but here's what I'm planning for the wedding: before/after in Henry's POV and the actual wedding in Alex's POV. 

4. I'M SO SORRY THAT I'VE BEEN SO INACTIVE!! I FEEL SO BAD. I've just been super busy lately 😭and this chapter is short too :(

5. Thank you guys for sticking with me and reading this rlly long AN lol. 

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