14. The Bar (Alex)

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"Henry!" Alex called from the living room.

"Yes, Alex?" Henry called back.

"My friends from work said that they want to meet up at a bar near here, and I don't want to go without you, can you come?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, that's fine!" Henry said.

"Cool," Alex replied, and let his friends know that he was going to come.

~ later that evening ~

"Henry, are you almost ready baby?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, I'm almost done. I can just meet you in the car," Henry said.

"Okay," Alex agreed.

Alex waited by the car instead of inside it though. When he saw Henry, his breath caught in his throat. Henry was wearing a denim jacket with a white tank top underneath and tight jeans that hugged his waist. He also had put on Alex's cowboy hat that looked so good on Henry.

He opened the door for Henry and stepped to the side, "Your Royal Highness."

"Oh my god, stop!" Henry laughed and got in the car.

Alex slid in beside him and muttered, "I won't be able to keep my eyes off of you this evening."

"That's the point, love," Henry said.

"That's so mean, you know that," Alex complained.

"Nope, why don't you explain to me?" Henry asked innocently.

"Well, you see, those clothes are looking so good on you and it makes me want to -" Alex got cut off by Cash.

"See that's where I draw the line, no more talking," Cash said.

Alex rolled his eyes but stopped talking. The rest of the drive was silent, probably to Cash's preference. They pulled up to the bar and got out. When they stepped into the bar, Alex immediately spotted his friends waving to him. 

"Hey Alex!" Luis said. 

"Hi Luis," Alex replied.

"Don't I get a hello?" Caleb asked. 

"Yes Caleb, hello," Alex laughed. 

"And I see you brought your prince charming," Caleb mused. 

"I most certainly did. And if it wasn't clear, he's taken," Alex said. 

The whole table laughed, and Henry laughed along with them. Henry wasn't the only one that got jealous, not that Alex would ever admit it. He knew that there was no rational reason to he jealous, it's just a feeling that came that he couldn't stop. 

The first round of shots came through and Alex was surprised to see Henry pick one up. It wasn't often that Henry got drunk, but when he did, it was a real sight to see. 

Even though Alex was talking with his friends, he couldn't tear his eyes off of Henry. He was so beautiful, it hurt to look at him. He couldn't believe that he almost didn't get this chance just because of one misunderstanding. 

When Henry got drunk enough to start dancing, Alex gave up on trying to pay attention to the conversation completely. God, this man does things to him that no one else could possibly even dream of. 

Caleb noticed him staring at Henry, "Hey, go ahead, we don't mind."

Alex only broke his state to give Caleb a thankful glance and then strode over to Henry as gracefully as he could when he had alcohol in his system. 

"Since when could you dance so good?" Alex mumbled in his ear. 

"Since I fell in love with you," Henry mumbled back.

"Oh, you've been hiding it that long?" Alex asked.

"Mhm," Henry replied with a grin on his face. 

Alex pulled Henry's body flush against his and placed his hands lightly on his ass, "Well then, you shouldn't have. See what your dancing does to me?"

Henry's eyes dilated and he just nodded. Alex leaned down for a kiss and their mouths didn't break apart for what felt like hours. Then the song ended and Henry had the same problem that Alex did, so they decided to head back home. 

"See you guys some other time!" Alex called over his shoulder. 

Caleb and Luis just laughed at them. Alex didn't care though. He only cared about the man in front of him. 

That night was a very, very long night. 

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