Chapter 1: The New Specimen

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"Wow, his eyes look so... human." The young girl in a lab coat states to her older colleague and family.

"Yes, but don't let it fool you, it is simply an animal. Seems to be a failed experiment of the past." The older man states factually.

"Huh...." The girl pauses to think, observing the mutant in front of her. She slowly leans closer, looking at his skin. "It seems his skin is made of scales smaller than that of a regular--" She is then interrupted as the mutant charges forward, being stopped by the chains, in an attempt to get the two away from him, the girl yelping as she jolts away from the mutant. The large turtle glares at the two, giving a deep, guttural growl to the two, seemingly as a warning to stay away.

In response to this, the older man hits a button on a remote he had been carrying, causing electricity to pour into the turtle, as he begins to shake uncontrollable and whimper in pain.

"D-Dr. Bunsen!" The girl cries out. "You're hurting him!" She points out.

"What you must understand, Echo," the scientist says with a smile, "is that animals need to be put in their place. If they are not shown who is above them, they will think they are above you." He explains to the girl coldly. "You are young, you will understand with time."

"Yes, doctor." The girl, Echo, states meekly, looking up at the mutant who meets her gaze with a cold one of his own.

The man, Dr. Robert Bunsen, then leaves the glass cell they are holding the turtle in, with Echo following close behind.

"Do not pity it, Echo. It is simply a wild animal, raised to be nothing more than a killer. By capturing it, we can advance in science, and protect the innocent people in our city." Dr. Bunsen then gently pats Echo on the head, his face remaining cold even through this warm gesture, and places the remote used to administer the volts of lightning through the chains holding the mutant.

"Oh, Echo," the man begins, pausing in the doorway, "Do feed it, we have deduced it to be a box turtle, which consist of a diet of protein, fruits, and vegetables. It must remain healthy for the experiments to be accurate."

"Yes, doctor." Echo responds, watching as the doctor leaves and shuts the door to the lab. She then begins working on a meal plan, and gathering up the first meal to feed the turtle, who watches her actions with cautious eyes inside his glass cell.

Once she gathers up a good quantity of food for him, basing it on his size and the average amount of food needed for a box turtle per pound, she opens the door to his cell, placing the meal on the floor. She can feel his eyes on her as she does this, a low growl emanating from his throat. She slowly looks up at him, her bright green eyes connecting with his cobalt blue ones.

She takes a deep breath, then speaks to him with a nervous smile, still a little frightened from his lunge at her from earlier, "uh, hello. The doctor said you wouldn't be able to understand me, but just in case, my name is Echo Tavora, I am the doctors assistant and I will be your primary caretaker."

She pauses, looking away nervously from his hulking figure, "S-so I guess you hopefully won't associate me with you being hurt and experimented on." She finishes, her coming to that understanding as she says it.

The mutant then looks at her less cautiously, and more confused.

"Ah, you probably can't understand me, just my tone, huh?" She dejectedly understands, stating her thoughts out loud.

The blue-clad mutant glances around, seeming to think of a next course of action, before his eyes land on the assortment of food laid on a plate in front of him. Once the girl follows his trail of vision, she quickly leaves the cell, locking it behind her, before hitting a button that lengthens the chains wrapped around the mutants wrists and throat.

Once feeling his arms being able to move more freely, he brings them down to in front of his chest, clenching and unclenching his fists. His sight then focuses back on the food in front of him, as he slowly reaches out to it, the chains being dragged along with his wrists. He then begins to cautiously eat it, giving weird looks to the girl outside of his cell, simply watching her.

She was also watching him, feeling relieved that he actually was eating. She wrote down everything she learned in the report.


A new specimen has been transferred to the lab, a human-turtle hybrid. 

Does not speak.

Seems to be a male box-turtle mutant.

Was hostile at first, but became docile after a shock of electricity.

It can feel pain and seems to be curious and cautious of surroundings.

Is willing to eat, did not try to harm Assistant Tavora when she approached with a meal. 

Unknown on whether it understands the English language.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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