23. Stars are forever.

Start from the beginning

"I just think..." she paused, and decided not to continue that sentence. "Am I a bad person?"

"No. Why do you think so?"

"Because I'm not tryin' my hardest to see Glenn. And I'm not in there tryna' save him."

A minute of silence passes by. Hershel smiled, "Only a good person cares whether they are bad or not." Ella gave a small smile, wiping her eyes. A rough, continuous cough came from inside the quarantined zone. "I need to get back in there. Focus on staying safe, you'll see Glenn again, don't worry."

Ella nodded her head, watching the older man go back inside and put a mask on his face. Glenn was okay, he's okay. Ella now felt decent knowing he wasn't dead. She knew it wasn't his time yet. She doesn't even want his time to come, ever. Maybe they could just live happily ever after here.

The young girl went on with her day, which was usually spent alone. Ella layed on her stomach, reading Percy Jackson. She's almost finished with the series, she just had to finish this one other book. The only problem was, the prison didn't have the last book. Glenn or someone always tried finding it for her, but it was hard to find. Almost like it never existed.

Ella's grown some knowledge after entertaining herself with books and stuff. It's where she gets most of her learning, other than Carol. At this point, reading was her hobby. I mean, what else was she supposed to do? Watch TV?

As the moon and stars lit up the dark sky, footsteps headed toward Ella. She ignored them and kept reading. Three knocks on the door. Knock, knock, knock.

"Come in," Ella calls out to the person outside her door. She had kind of hoped it was Caleb, finally coming to talk to her. She didn't want to force him or anything, but it has been a while. And plus, Ella's his sister, his only family.

Evelynn came in, with a teensy fake smile. Ella could tell it wasn't a real one. "Hey Elz. You doing okay?" she asked, kneeling next to the girl.

"Yeah,, I guess. Are you?"

"Mhm. Look, I'm sorry. I haven't been talking to you much, I know. No excuses, I'm just sorry."

"You don't have to be. It's okay, I get it. I'm way younger than you," Ella shrugs as she places her book down.

"I know, but I'm still one of your best friends. I'm here for you, Elz." Ella nodded her head, getting up to give Evelynn a hug. She then pulls away, looking at Evelynn's eyes.

Ella questions once again, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, yes. I'm alright. I just felt bad I haven't been hanging out with you."

"I missed you, Ev," she admits.

"I missed you too, Nelly."

Nelly. Another new nickname, Ella thought it was cute. But she did have a lot, she can't even keep count.

The two girls smiled at each other before Evelynn took off again. It felt good to talk to her again, Ella thought. Though it was a short amount of time, it was way better than nothing at all. She respected the fact Ev didn't talk to her as much. But she knew it was okay to miss it. Of course it's okay for Ella to miss her best friend.

Ella put her book away, not being able to read in the dark. Her eyesight was getting a bit blurry from reading in the dark, so she knew when it was time to put it down. She also couldn't waste any flashlights because one day they'll need them.

The girl walked outside, holding onto her rocket ship. She carefully walked down the steps and sat on the 3rd one from the ground. Ella imagined herself flying around in a rocket ship up there. Flying with the stars. Maybe one day, but it wouldn't be achievable unless she was dead.

Ella likes to think when one dies, they become a star. Stars die too, but they're still there, just like a dead person. They still exist, they just aren't completely there. It's like, stars are forever.

As she watched the star twinkle in the black ink above, a shooting star passed by. Ella smiles at the sight and makes a wish. Maybe it'll come true, just maybe.

Time passes by a bit quickly. Ella's blinking became slower. She heads inside so she won't fall asleep on the stairs again. The girl headed toward her room or well, space and made herself comfy. She stared into the abyss until she drifted to sleep, hoping tomorrow would be better and not as lonely.

Author's note:

I'm soso sorry for slow updates and how short this chapter is. I'm not the best at writing long chapters so easily and I'm often busy. Please be patient with me, it will be so appreciated. Don't forget to vote and commet <3

Also, hershel's death is coming so soon. It's 2 chapters away, I'm so sad. But on the bright side, Alexandria, Rosita, and Tara are coming so woooo!!!

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