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Ameila pov

As I wake up I see everyone asleep. I quickly get up and starts to get ready.

About ten minutes later I finished. I get ready fast, when I was younger my parents only gave me ten minutes to get ready.

I'm wearing a white shirt with a pink bowel, added with a pink shirt. I have some white leggings so they candy see my scares. I also have a pink and white sweater so they can't see my arms either.

 I also have a pink and white sweater so they can't see my arms either

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I look!

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I look!....well that doesn't matter.

I then sit down on my bed as I play with my stuff toys quietly.

Liam pov

As I wake up I hear laughing. I look up quietly to see Ameila laughing as she watches videos on a iPad. I look to at her, her smile is so beautiful.

I lay my head down still watching her. She laughs. She's so cute and inoccent.

Out of now where Ameila starts to sing. "Sweet little bumblebee
I know what you want from me
Doo-bi-doo-bi, doo-da-da
Doo-bi-doo-bi, doo-da-da
Sweet little bumblebee
More than just a fantasy
Doo-bi-doo-bi, doo-da-da
Doo-bi-doo-bi, doo-da-da
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh
Doo-bi-doo-bi, doo-da-da
Doo-bi-doo-bi, doo-da-da
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh
Doo-bi-doo-bi, doo-da-da
Doo-bi-doo-bi, doo-da-da." she sings as I smile as wide.

She's so beautiful. I hear a chulcke, I look to see, I look to see Mila smirking at me as I glare at herm I look back at Ameila to see her looking at us.

"Good morning." She says as I smile looking at her. What's happening?! I feel things in my stomach. Maybe I should go to the nerse.

"Good morning." Me and Mila say.

"I'll wake them up." Ameila says.

"No need to wake me. Already up, but Luca is quite hard to wake up just let him wake up when he does." Josh says as we look at a sleeping Luca.

Ameila giggles. "Foods ready!" Ameila shouts.

"FOOD!" Luca shouts as he joints up. We look at him with eyes wide as Ameila giggles.

"Food?" Luca ask.

"In the cafeteria." Josh says laughing.

Ameila then leaves with a black bag.

Ameila pov

I decided to walk around a few minutes later my eyes lit up as I see a ice skate rink, I get dressed and put on some music a few minutes later I start to skate.

I decided to walk around a few minutes later my eyes lit up as I see a ice skate rink, I get dressed and put on some music a few minutes later I start to skate

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(A/n because you guys some can't or may not be able to watch it because of an error or something so just go to YouTube and type this 'Aline Zagitova at PyeongChang 2018 - Black Swan | Music Monday.' )

Third person pov

As Liam and his hockey team a few other boys including Josh and Luca, and their couch watch Ameila. Mila, and a ice skate team watches Ameila with amazement. They are good and have been training since they where young but they weren't that good. Mila was smiling looking at Ameila, she doesn't skate but she thought Ameila was doing good.

The couch of the Ice skate team smiles as he looks at Ameila with amazement, happiness. He's never seen someone do good.

A few minutes later Ameila finshes. Liam and his team and couch, Mila, the ice skate team and the couch all clap. Ameila looks up as they watch her. The couch then skates out to her.

"You're good, a natural. Would you like to join Ice skating? Ah and I'm Noah." Noah, the couch says.

"Thank your but it thinks it's a bit too late for me to join." Ameila says.

"No it's not to late. Anyways your good, very good so their wouldn't really have to have you training." Noah says.

"Ummm....ok." Ameila says smiling.

"Ok, um thank you. You are?" Noah ask.

"Ameila. Ameila King. New." Ameila says as Noah nods.

"Ok, I'll see you later, one of the girls will get you." Noah says as Ameila nods.

Ameila pov.

As I leave the ice rink I hear shouting.

"Wooo hooo. That was amazing, you where amazing!" Mila says smiling.

"Thank you." I say.

"No problem baby." Mila says.

"Baby?" I ask confused.

"Yea, your a baby. Your younger than us all in the your the baby." Mila says answering my question, I nod understanding.

"Ok odly!" I say, as Mila looks at me then laughs.

"Your so cute and inoccent. Come on let's go eat." Mila says as I nod.

Today was fun, really really run.

Sadly tomorrow I have classes. Me and school have a hate and love relationship!

Second chapter!!! Thank you all for reading and please countine.

Who else have a hate and love relationship with math? I do!🙋‍♀️

Counted words: 824

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