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~Darlina's POV~

My head ached when I woke up, a groan leaving me as I sat up in bed and brushed my hair out of my face. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and glanced at the time, my eyes widening when I saw that it was past noon. This had to be the latest I'd ever woken up before.

Not wanting to waste any more of the day in bed, I slipped from beneath my blankets and headed into the bathroom, first starting up the shower to let the water heat up. I brushed my teeth while waiting and then got into the steaming hot shower, trying to remember anything from last night as I washed my hair. The last thing I remembered clearly was joining Emmett and Atlas after having been harassed by the drunk guy, but it became hard to remember much after that. I didn't even remember how I got changed or if I was the one who even changed me, but I hoped that was the case.

I sighed as I rinsed my hair, unable to believe that I had drank so much alcohol that I couldn't remember what happened. That was something I'd never done before, and it was something I never wanted to do again. The fact that I had bits of my memory missing was a feeling I didn't like, and not one I wanted to experience again.

Layering my hair with conditioner, I let it sit for a few minutes while I washed my body and then rinsed it afterwards. I quickly finished up showering before I got out, wrapping myself in a towel to dry off. My hair was left to dry while I pulled on a pair of fuzzy white shorts, a cropped pink tank and fluffy pink ankle socks that kept my feet warm. They were my favorite type of socks, so I had several pairs in different colors.

After I was dressed and had taken an ibuprofen, I spritzed on a bit of perfume before leaving my room, wanting to find something to eat. It was unlikely that Emmett was awake, given that I recalled from earlier on in the night that he'd been rather drunk even then, which meant he probably remembered less of last night than I did and was therefore more hungover as well. He likely was still asleep, knowing him, though I couldn't say if Atlas was or not. I wasn't even sure if Atlas had drank last night, but considering we had all gotten home safely, I assumed he hadn't.

Unsurprisingly, I found Atlas was already awake when I entered the living room, his large frame sitting on the couch with his legs stretched out comfortably. He looked up upon my arrival, dark eyes zeroing in on me in a way that made me slow my steps, taken aback. I frowned, a little confused as to why he was staring at me so intently, and nervously looked away.

Had I done something to him last night? Oh no, what if I had said or done something utterly embarrassing and now I couldn't remember what? But I didn't want him to know I didn't remember anything though because that in itself was embarrassing, so I couldn't even ask him why he was looking at me like that or he'd know I had no idea what happened!

Not wanting to consider what exactly I had done, I turned and quickly headed into the kitchen, nervously fiddling with the damp ends of my hair. I opened up the fridge and stared into it absentmindedly, still thinking about what I could've done to make Atlas look at me like that.

As I was staring into the fridge, not necessarily looking for food but rather just staring into it as if it had the answers I was currently trying to remember, the door was suddenly pushed shut. I jumped in surprise, a frown forming on my lips at the rude action. "Hey," I huffed and glanced over my shoulder, only to be spun around by a grip on my elbow.

Atlas stepped close to me, cornering me against the fridge so I couldn't leave. I stared up at him in surprise, a flustered blush creeping up my neck. "What are you doing?" I asked, attempting to put some space between us by sliding slightly to my right to escape. He placed a hand beside my head, stopping me, and ducked his head down to look me in the eye. "We need to have a talk, Darlina." He told me in a mutter, and I shrunk slightly from nerves.

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