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~Atlas' POV~

Darlina wobbled slightly as she headed out to Emmett's car, causing my eyes to flick to her as I carried Emmett's weight out of the restaurant. At some point in the night, everyone had started drinking except for me and Wren, I think I'd heard her name was.

I sighed in annoyance as Emmett knocked his head against mine and jostled him away from me a bit so his face wasn't so close. "Don't be eyeballing my Li like that." Emmett complained in a slurred voice, causing me to cock up an eyebrow. I ignored him and he groaned in frustration. "Douche." He mumbled. "Yeah? This douche is the only reason you're standing on your feet right now." I retorted, digging into his pocket for his car keys.

He laughed and leaned against the side of his car, wiggling his brows at me, or attempting to. "I love you, man, but I don't swing that way." He said, cackling as I stuck my hand in his back pocket where I finally found the keys. I rolled my eyes and clicked a button on them. "Neither do I." I responded with a sigh, swinging open the door to the back seat. "Get in." I demanded him, pointing to the car.

Emmett pouted and stood straighter, swaying as he did so. I watched him hoist himself up into the car, where he promptly flopped forward onto the backseat belly first. A faint moan followed but I just shut the door.

When I looked over at Darlina she was just standing beside the passenger side door, a frown on her pouted lips. She opened up the door and I hesitated as I watched her grasp the seat, but I turned around to head to the driver's side. I didn't need to help her. She hadn't even had that much to drink.

While I sat in the driver's seat, waiting, my patience began to dwindle very quickly at how long she was taking. I hadn't even seen the top of her head pop into line of sight yet, but I knew she was there because I could hear her soft footsteps and occasionally a whine of annoyance. How was she even more uncoordinated than Emmett? My jaw ticked as I clenched it, continuing to wait impatiently. Another two minutes passed by before I scowled and swiftly hopped out, rounding the vehicle.

"What is taking you so long?" I snapped, causing her to jolt at my rough voice. She turned, wobbling on her feet a little. "Huh?" She said, blinking at me through big, bleary eyes. "It's high." She told me, pointing to the seat. I glared and she stumbled back slightly as I approached her, bumping into the open door. "Come here." I snapped, grabbing her by the waist.

I lifted her with ease, a little bit surprised at how light she was, and she wailed in surprise. She clung to me as I stepped on the bar at the bottom of the doorframe and I set her down in the front seat, silently cursing Emmett for the fact that he'd insisted we drive his big ass truck here instead of Darlina's car. If we'd just fucking taken hers, I wouldn't be stuck with her clinging on me like this.

"Let go." I snapped when she still held onto the fabric of my shirt, her strawberry scent surrounding me. She released me and I didn't bother to waste another second before dropping to the ground on my feet, slamming the door with more force than necessary.

Returning to the driver's seat, I buckled myself in and then looked over at Darlina, who was already half asleep with her head against the window. Thankfully, her seatbelt was on, and with a glance into the backseat I saw Emmett was also passed out, seatbelt buckled. I shook my head and pealed out of the parking lot, tires squealing a little.

Thankfully, because they were both passed out sleeping, the drive back home was quiet—aside from Emmett's snoring. I parked in front of the apartment complex and then turned around in my seat to look at Emmett, trying to determine how I was going to do this. Then, I reached back and smacked him upside the head, causing him to yelp as he jerked awake, looking around in a drunken panic. "Get out and go upstairs." I told him with a scowl, not in the mood for him to be annoying. He groaned but reluctantly did as told, almost face planting on the ground when he tried to get out of the vehicle and nearly tripped over nothing.

A sigh left me as I looked over at Darlina, who was somehow still asleep despite how loud Emmett had been in getting out. I had hoped she'd wake up just from how noisy he was.

So I gently poked her on the arm, but she just leaned against the window more as she shifted. I pursed my lips and quietly got out, rounding over to her side where I opened the door. She was still very much asleep, and damn it I didn't have the guts to wake her up, so I stepped up onto the side step bar and reached over to unbuckle her. My eyes trailed over her face and I carefully pulled her out of the car, a flush creeping up my neck as she clung to me like a koala. Her fingers gripped at my shirt and I quickly shut the door before locking Em's truck, carrying Darlina inside.

Standing quietly in the elevator, I tapped my foot impatiently and stared at the doors, waiting for them to open. Finally they did, and I took long strides towards our apartment. The faster I got inside, the faster I could get away from her and never have to think about this again.

Emmett was nowhere in sight when I reached the apartment, but the front door was just slightly left cracked open so I knew he had managed to get himself inside, luckily for me. I doubted he'd meant to leave the door open and unlocked, but it seemed that was actually benefitting me because I couldn't have unlocked the door at the moment anyway, what with my arms full.

I quickly entered and shut the door as quietly as possible, deciding I'd come lock it after I put her to bed. The apartment was quiet as I walked down the hall, so I assumed Em had immediately gone and passed out in his room.

Darlina's fingers curled into my shirt as I lowered her onto her bed, like she knew I was about to leave, and I tried to pull away but her grip only tightened. I sighed, exasperated, and gently pulled at her thin fingers, having to practically pry them off. Either she was just very clingy when she drank or she simply likes to cuddle when she sleeps, though I couldn't say which was the case.

She rolled onto her side when I managed to get away, burying her cheek into her pillow. I hesitated before quickly pulling off her shoes and covering her with a blanket, setting the shoes on the floor by the foot of her bed. Of course I knew she couldn't be comfortable sleeping in what she was wearing, but I left her that way because there was no way in hell that I was going to change her clothes. That was a line that I wouldn't cross, especially when she was asleep. It'd be fucking creepy and utterly invasive.

After making sure she was covered, I left her room and quietly shut the door behind me, heading towards my own bedroom after locking the front door.

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