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~Darlina's POV~

"Come on!" Emmett complained as I was looking through my closet, trying to find my shoes so I could drive him and Atlas to the club. I frowned and poked my head out, furrowing my brows. "I'm looking for my shoes!" I exclaimed, frustrated at how he was rushing me.

He groaned and flopped onto my bed back first, while Atlas just looked on from near my bedroom door at his friend, an eyebrow raised slightly. I huffed and went back in my closet, finally locating a pair of my white converse that I pulled on over my sock-covered feet. Turning off the light as I exited my closet, I leaned over the edge of my bed and poked Em on the top of his head. "Get off of my bed." I demanded, pushing at his shoulder.

After sparing a glance at me and realizing that I was ready to go, he hopped out of my bed. I shook my head and followed him out of my room, slinking past Atlas as I did so. My eyes subconsciously flicked up to his face as I passed, only to find that he was already watching me, causing our eyes to meet. A blush crept up my neck and I quickly looked away, hurrying down the hall after Emmett.

I exited the apartment with the two of them, wondering to myself if Atlas thought I had just been weird. However, I didn't want to say anything because that would've been even more weird, so I just brushed it off and hoped he hadn't noticed or didn't think anything of it.

We headed down to Emmett's car and I hopped into the driver's seat, which I meant quite literally because Emmett had a giant car. I pursed my lips and huffed once I was inside, buckling my seatbelt before I glanced to my side, where Emmett was sitting. "You better make me a delicious dinner for this." I told him, not actually minding what I was doing at all. Besides, he already made delicious food for dinner almost every night.

It wasn't that far of a drive from our apartment to the weirdly named bar, The Jesters Bar, but it must've been pretty popular in town because there were more people than I expected there to be.

The two men got out of the car and Emmett bid me farewell after I made sure that he had his phone for the third time. I pulled away from Jesters and began the quick drive back to the apartment, secretly feeling a little bit glad to have my time to myself for at least a few hours. A smile graced my lips as I entered the apartment and locked the front door behind me, very happily skipping down the hall towards my bedroom. Having a nice bath sounded utterly perfect to me, so I began to look through my bathroom closet for some soap or a bath bomb.

Luckily, I managed to find a strawberry scented bath bomb and dropped it into the tub once it was full, steam rising from the surface of the water still. I undressed and then got in the tub, sighing in content as I sank into the water. Taking baths wasn't something I did too very often, but I loved the feeling of relaxation that it gave me, especially when I was stressed.

Once my fingers began to prune up I finally unplugged the drain and got out, wrapping myself in a towel. I headed to my room and pulled on a pair of underwear before lathering on some lotion on my legs and swiping on deodorant beneath my arms.

After I pulled on a comfortable set of pajamas I flopped into bed and grabbed my laptop, going to Netflix. I didn't have anything else planned for the night but to relax.

However, only another hour or two passed before my phone began to ring, forcing me to pause and answer the call. "Emmy," I chirped into the phone, already swinging my legs over the edge of my bed. There was an unusual pause and a lack of response before I heard a familiar voice curse at something, a husky mutter that clearly wasn't directed towards me. I frowned, confused, and checked the caller ID, but it said Emmett's name there, like I'd thought.

"Hello?" I said, unsure if I should be concerned over the odd phone call. I went to stand up from my bed finally, assuming that Emmett must've been too drunk and didn't realize he'd called me. "Hey," A deep voice finally replied, and I stumbled slightly when I stood, taken aback. That wasn't Emmett's voice, but I certainly recognized it.

"Atlas." I said dumbly, a bit flustered for absolutely no reason at all. "Where's Emmett?" I blurted. I began looking around for my slippers and put them on, holding my phone between my shoulder and my ear.

"He's with me, but he's had way too much to drink." He said, slightly slurring his words together, so I knew he'd had his fair share of alcohol as well. I looked around for my purse that I'd left Emmett's car keys in and fished them out, looping it around my finger. "You guys want me to come pick you up, I assume?" I guessed, and he hummed his affirmation into the phone.

"I'll be there in a few minutes." I told him, leaving the apartment. We hung up the phone and I hopped up into Emmett's vehicle, beginning the very careful drive to Jesters Bar. The streets weren't busy or anything, but I had always been very cautious when driving.

I parked and then got out when I arrived, scanning my brown eyes over my surroundings before I spotted both Emmett and Atlas near the front doors of the club. Emmett was slumped against the wall, looking like he could hardly even stand, whereas Atlas was standing there with a frown on his face as he wobbled every once in a while. They both had clearly had too much to drink.

Pushing away my amusement, I walked up to them and waved, gently grabbing onto Emmett's arm. "Can you walk?" I asked Em, peering up at him. His eyelids fluttered and he muttered something utterly nonsensical in response, causing me to arch up an eyebrow. I looped his arm over my shoulder and then turned to Atlas, who was already watching as I attempted to support the weight of Emmett. "You okay?" I wondered, grunting with effort when Emmett leaned his weight onto my shoulders more.

"Mhm." He murmured, walking past me with slightly staggered steps. I followed, barely managing to help Emmett over to his car, and looked over at Atlas when he opened the backdoor.

For a second, I just stared up at the seat that I was supposed to somehow get Emmett into, and then cut my gaze over to Atlas. An embarrassed flush crept up my neck as he watched me. "I can't get him up in the car." I admitted, adjusting Emmett's arm over my shoulders. He leaned over and took the majority of Emmett's weight from me. "I'll lift, you push." He said, and I quickly did as I was told when he lifted him as if he was nothing.

Emmett sort of flopped onto the back seat and groaned, his cheek pressed against the leather seats as he didn't bother to move. Atlas stepped away and I gave him my quiet thanks, stepping up onto the little ledge beside the car's door so I could buckle in Em.

Once he was buckled in, I got into the driver's seat, trying to hide my slight surprise when I saw that Atlas was sitting in the passenger's seat instead of in the back with his very drunk friend. Then again, with the way that Emmett was taking up so much room back there, it wasn't like Atlas would've really been able to join him anyway.

I began the quick drive back home, having a little more trouble getting Emmett out of the car than I had getting him inside of it, but thankfully Atlas was just sober enough to help me with that part as well.

A huff left me as I laid Emmett onto his bed, my back aching from how hunched over I'd been with carrying him. "I'm never doing this again." I vowed breathlessly, stretching my arms behind my back until it popped. I carefully took off Emmett's shoes and set them on the floor, deciding to leave him in his clothes before I left his room with a quiet shut of his door.

Quietly, I headed down the hall and peaked into the living room where I'd left Atlas, only to find that he had already fallen asleep on the couch. I frowned and hesitated, not wanting to leave him there but also not wanting to wake him or try to move him myself. If I struggled to move Emmett, I'd probably break my back trying to move Atlas. There was simply no way it'd be possible.

Instead, I took off his shoes, glancing up at his face when I had set them on the floor. He was fast asleep, but there were goosebumps on his tattooed arms, causing me to bite the inside of my cheek.

Gently, I grabbed the throw blanket that was on the back of the couch and draped it over him, though it was a little bit too small for his large frame. However, it was better than nothing, I guess.

I spared him a last glance as I stood, again making sure I hadn't disturbed his sleep, and then retreated back to my bedroom after turning out the lights.

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